WordPress:Upgrading WordPress Extended

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Tip: The WordPress Automatic Upgrade plugin can greatly simplify the upgrade process, allowing you to upgrade your blog in about 2 minutes by clicking through a series of on-screen tasks. If you use the plugin, choose the manual rather than automatic mode.

贴士: WordPress 自动升级插件能够大大地简化升级过程,你通过点击一系列的界面任务,两分钟左右就能够升级你的博客。 如果你使用插件,请使用手动而不是自动的模式。

Detailed Instructions[ ]

Overview of the Upgrade Process[ ]

  1. [[WordPress:#Step 1: Backup your database|Backup your database]]. Read WordPress:Backing Up Your Database for a detailed explanation.

详细的指示[ ]

升级过程概述[ ]

  1. [[WordPress:#Step 1: Backup your database|备份你的数据库]]。 详细的解释,请阅读备份你的数据库
  2. [[WordPress:#Step 2: Backup ALL your WordPress files|Backup ALL your WordPress files]] in your WordPress directory. Don't forget your .htaccess file.
  3. [[WordPress:#Step 3: Verify the backups|Verify the backups]] you created are there and usable. This is essential.
  4. [[WordPress:#Step 4: Deactivate ALL your Plugins|Deactivate ALL your Plugins]].
  1. [[WordPress:#Step 2: Backup ALL your WordPress files|备份所有的WordPress文件]] 放入WordPress 目录。 不要忘了你的.htaccess文件。
  2. [[WordPress:#Step 3: Verify the backups|确认文件备份]]在这里而且可以使用。 这很重要。
  3. [[WordPress:#Step 4: Deactivate ALL your Plugins|取消你的所有插件]]的运行。

  1. [[WordPress:#Step 5: Ensure first four steps are completed|Ensure first four steps are completed]]. Do not attempt the upgrade unless you have completed the first four steps.
  2. [[WordPress:#Step 6: Download and extract the WordPress package|Download and extract the WordPress package]] from http://wordpress.org/download/.
  3. [[WordPress:#Step 7: Delete the old WordPress files|Delete the old WordPress files]] on your site, but DO NOT DELETE
  1. [[WordPress:#Step 5: Ensure first four steps are completed|确保前四步已经完成了]]。 除非你完成了前四步,否则不要尝试升级。
  2. 从http://wordpress.org/download/,[[WordPress:#Step 6: Download and extract the WordPress package|下载并且提取WordPress软件包]]。
# [[WordPress:#Step 7: Delete the old WordPress files|删除旧的WordPress文件]],但是不删除

    • wp-config.php file;
    • wp-content folder; Special Exception: the wp-content/cache and the wp-content/plugins/widgets folders should be deleted.
    • wp-images folder;
    • wp-includes/languages/ folder--if you are using a language file do not delete that folder;
    • .htaccess file--if you have added custom rules to your .htaccess, do not delete it;
    • robots.txt file--if your blog lives in the root of your site (ie. the blog is the site) and you have created such a file, do not delete it.
    • wp-config.php 文件;
    • wp-content 文件夹;例外: wp-content/cachewp-content/plugins/widgets文件夹应该被删除。
    • wp-images 文件夹;
    • wp-includes/languages/ 文件夹—如果你使用一个语言文件,不要删除那个文件夹;
    • .htaccess 文件—如果你给.htaccess添加了自定义规则,不要删除;
    • robots.txt 文件--如果你的博客位于你的站点的根目录(如博客就是站点)而且你创建了这样的文件,请不用删除。

  1. [[WordPress:#Step 8: Upload the new files|Upload the new files]] from your computer's hard drive to the appropriate WordPress folder on your site.
  2. [[WordPress:#Step 9: Run the WordPress upgrade program|Run the WordPress upgrade program]] and follow the instructions on the screen.
  3. [[WordPress:#Step 10: Update Permalinks and .htaccess|Update Permalinks and .htaccess]]. Update your Permalink Structure and merge the custom rules, if necessary, into your .htaccess file.
  4. [[WordPress:#Step 11: Install updated Plugins and Themes|Install updated Plugins and Themes]]. Please review the [[WordPress:Plugins/Plugin_Compatibility/2.6|list of Plugins that work in Version 模板:CurrentVersion]]. Check for [[WordPress:Themes/Theme_Compatibility/2.6|Theme Compatibility with 模板:CurrentVersion]] and ask your Theme author for any new version.
  5. [[WordPress:#Step 12: Reactivate Plugins|Reactivate Plugins]]
  6. [[WordPress:#Step 13: Review what has changed in WordPress|Review what has changed in WordPress]].

  1. [[WordPress:#Step 8: Upload the new files|上传新的文件]]上传到你的站点上适当的WordPress文件夹中。
  2. [[WordPress:#Step 9: Run the WordPress upgrade program|运行 WordPress 升级程序]]并且遵循这个界面上的指示说明。
  3. [[WordPress:#Step 10: Update Permalinks and .htaccess|更新 Permalinks和.htaccess]]。 更新你的Permalink 结构并且必要的话,将自定义规则融合到你的.htaccess文件。
  4. [[WordPress:#Step 11: Install updated Plugins and Themes|安装更新的插件和主题]]。 查找Theme Compatibility with 1.39.3的主题兼容性并且向你的主题作者索要任何新的版本。
  5. [[WordPress:#Step 12: Reactivate Plugins|重新激活插件]]
  6. [[WordPress:#Step 13: Review what has changed in WordPress|查看WordPress有什么变化]]。

That's the overview of the upgrade process. Please continue reading the Detailed Upgrade Instructions.

Remember, if you do encounter problems, re-read the Instructions below to insure you've followed the proper procedures and consult Troubleshooting: Common Installation Problems.

这是升级过程的概述。 请继续阅读详细的升级指示说明。

记住,如果你的确遇到了麻烦,请再次阅读下面的指示说明,确认你遵循了适当的步骤,此外还可以查看疑难解答: 常见安装问题

Detailed Upgrade Instructions for 1.5.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, or 2.5.x, to 模板:CurrentVersion[ ]

The following are the instructions that explain the above steps in more detail. Please read all of the instructions before starting.

1.5.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 或者2.5.x, 到 1.39.3的详细的升级说明[ ]

下面的说明更加详细地解释了上述的步骤。 开始升级之前,请阅读所有的这些指示说明。

Step 1: Back up your database[ ]

Perform a backup of your database. All of your WordPress data, such as Users, Posts, Pages, Links, and Categories, are stored in your MySQL database. Please read WordPress:Backing Up Your Database for a detailed explanation of this process.

It is extremely important to back up your database before beginning the upgrade. If, for some reason, you find it necessary to revert back to the 'old' version of WordPress, you may have to restore your database from these backups.

第一步: 备份你的数据库[ ]

为你的数据库备份。 你的WordPress的所有数据,例如用户,文章,网页,链接,和类别,都储存在你的MySQL 数据库中。 这个过程的详细的解释,请阅读备份你的数据库

开始升级之前,备份你的数据库非常重要。 如果,因为某些原因,你需要返回到WordPress的'旧'版本,你可能需要从这些备份中重建你的数据库。

Step 2: Back up ALL your WordPress files[ ]

Back up ALL of your files in your WordPress directory and your .htaccess file. Typically, this process involves using an FTP program to download ALL your WordPress files from your host to your local computer. Please read Backing Up Your WordPress Site for further explanation.

If you have made changes to any core WordPress files, or if you've got customized Plugins or Themes, you will want to have a good backup of those files. It is extremely important to back up your files before beginning the upgrade. If for some reason you find it necessary to revert back to the 'old' version of WordPress you will need to upload these files.

第二步: 备份你的WordPress的所有文件[ ]

在你的WordPress目录中备份你的所有的文件和你的 .htaccess文件。 通常,这个过程包括使用一个FTP program从你的主机上将所有你的WordPress文件下载到你的本地电脑上。 详细的解释,请阅读备份你的 WordPress 站点

如果你更改了任何核心的WordPress文件,或者你得到了自定义的插件或者主题,你就想要这些文件的备份。 开始升级之前,备份你的文件非常重要。 如果,因为某些原因,你觉得需要返回到WordPress的'旧'版本,你就需要上传这些文件。

Step 3: Verify the backups[ ]

Verify that the backups you created are there and usable. This is the most important step in the upgrade process! The verification process involves making sure you can see the backup files on your local computer (or wherever you've stored them) and that you can navigate into any sub-folders. If the files are in a zip file, make sure you can open the zip file.

Step 4: Deactivate ALL your Plugins[ ]

In your Administration panel, under the Plugins choice, deactivate any Plugins. Because of the changes to WordPress, some Plugins may conflict with the upgrade process.

第三步: 确认文件备份[ ]

确认你创建的文件备份在这里而且可以使用。 这是升级过程中最重要的一步! 确认过程包括确认你能够在你的本地电脑(或者你储存备份文件的其它电脑)上能够看到备份文件,而且确认过程还包括你能够导航到任何子文件夹。 如果文件是在压缩文件中,确保你能够打开压缩文件。

第4步:取消你的所有插件的运行[ ]

管理面板,插件选项的下面,取消插件运行。 因为WordPress发生了变化,有的插件可能与升级过程相冲突。

Step 5: Ensure first four steps are completed[ ]

If you have not completed the first four procedures, STOP, and do them! Do not attempt the upgrade unless you have completed the first four steps.

The best resource for problems with your upgrade is the WordPress Support Forums, and if you have problems, the volunteers at the WordPress Support Forums will likely ask if you have completed the first four steps.

Step 6: Download and extract the WordPress package[ ]

Download and unzip the WordPress package from http://wordpress.org/download/.

第五步: 确保前四步已经完成了[ ]

如果你没有完成前四个步骤,停下来,完成这四个步骤! 除非你完成了前四步,否则不要尝试升级。

解决升级问题的最好位置是WordPress 支持论坛,如果你遇到了升级问题,WordPress 支持论坛中的志愿者,很可能会问你,你是否完成了前四个步骤。

第6步:下载并且提取WordPress软件包[ ]


  • If you will be uploading WordPress to a remote web server, download the WordPress package to your computer with your favorite web browser and unzip the package.
  • If you have shell access to your web server, and are comfortable using console-based tools, you may wish to download WordPress directly to your web server. You can do so using wget , lynx or another console-based web browser, which are valuable if you want to avoid FTPing. Place the package in a directory parallel to your current wordpress directory (like "uploads," for example). Then, unzip it using: gunzip -c wordpress-模板:CurrentVersion.tar.gz | tar -xf - or by using: tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz

The WordPress package will be extracted into a folder called wordpress.

  • 如果你将要将WordPress更新到一个远程服务器上,使用你最喜爱的网络服务器,将WordPress软件包下载到你的电脑上,并且解压软件包。
  • 如果你能够shell访问你的网络服务器,而且乐于使用控制台为基础的工具,你可能想将WordPress直接下载到你的网络服务器上。 你可以使用wget , lynx或者其它以控制台为基础的网络服务器下载,如果你想要避免FTPing,这样做很有价值。 将软件包放到目录中,与你当前的wordpress目录平行(例如,像"上传,")。 然后,解压: gunzip -c wordpress-模板:CurrentVersion.tar.gz | tar -xf -或者通过使用: tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz


Step 7: Delete the old WordPress files[ ]

第7步: 删除旧的WordPress文件[ ]

Why Delete? Generally, it is a good idea to delete whatever is possible because the uploading (or upgrading through cPanel) process may not correctly overwrite an existing file and that may cause problems later.

DO NOT DELETE these folders and files:

  • wp-config.php file;
  • wp-content folder;
  • wp-images folder--only older installations from 1.5.x days will have this folder;
  • wp-includes/languages/ folder--if you are using a language file, and it is here rather than in wp-content/languages/, do not delete this folder (you might want to move your language files to wp-content/languages/ for easier upgrading in the future);.
  • .htaccess file--if you have added custom rules to your .htaccess, do not delete it;
  • Custom Content and/or Plugins--if you have any images or other custom content or Plugins inside the wp-content folder, do NOT delete them.

为什么删除? 一般来说,删除任何旧的文件是较好的做法,因为升级(或者通常cPanel)升级的过程,可能不能够正确地覆盖旧的文件,而这些旧的文件,在之后,可能会造成麻烦。

不要删除 这些文件夹和文件:

  • wp-config.php文件;
  • >wp-content 文件夹;
  • wp-images 文件夹—只有来自1.5x的旧的WordPress安装,才能够拥有这个文件夹;
  • wp-includes/languages/文件夹—如果你正使用一个语言文件,而且这个语言文件在这里,而不是在wp-content/languages/,不要删除这个文件夹(你可能想将你的语言文件移到wp-content/languages/,便于以后,更容易升级);。
  • .htaccess 文件—如果你为你的.htaccess添加了自定义规则,不要删除这个规则;
  • 自定义内容和/或者插件—如果你在wp-content文件夹中拥有任何图像或者其它自定义的内容或者插件,不要删除这些内容。

Delete these Files and Folders:

  • wp-* (except for those above), readme.html, wp.php, xmlrpc.php, and license.txt; files; Typically files in your root or wordpress folder. Again, don't delete the wp-config.php file.
  • wp-admin folder;
  • wp-includes folder; If you have a language file here, remember not to delete the wp-includes/languages/ folder
  • wp-content/cache folder; You only see this folder if you are upgrading FROM WordPress 2.0.
  • wp-content/plugins/widgets folder; You only see this folder if you previously installed the Sidebar Widgets plugin. The Sidebar Widgets code conflicts with the built-in widget ability.

How to Delete? There are several ways to delete the files from your WordPress site. You can use your FTP Client, or if you have access to Telenet or SSH you can use that. Some host providers also provide the ability to delete files and folders.


  • wp-* (除了以上的那些), readme.html, wp.php, xmlrpc.php, 和 license.txt; 文件;特别是你的根目录或者wordpress文件夹中的文件。 同时,不要删除wp-config.php文件。
  • > wp-admin 文件夹;
  • wp-includes文件夹;如果你在这里有关语言文件,记住不要删除wp-includes/languages/文件夹
  • wp-content/cache文件夹;如果你从WordPress2.0版本升级,你才会看到这个文件夹。
  • wp-content/plugins/widgets文件夹;如果你先前安装了边栏Widgets插件,你才会看到这个文件夹。 边栏Widgets代码与内置的widget功能相抵触。

怎么删除? 有几种方法,可以将文件从你的WordPress站点,删除。 你可以使用你的FTP Client,或者如果你能够使用Telenet或者SSH,你可以使用这两个。 有的主机供应商,也提供了删除文件和文件夹的功能。

Using FTP to delete files and folders
The same FTP client you use for uploading can be used to delete files and folders. If your FTP client does not appear to permit you to delete non-empty folders, check the available options for your FTP client. You'll usually find an option that permits deleting non-empty folders. Deleting non-empty folders is a quick and thorough method cleaning out an old installation of WordPress. It is recommended that once the deleting is done, you switch back to the original setting for safety reasons.

;使用FTP来删除文件和文件夹:你用来上传FTP client,也可以用来删除文件和文件夹。 如果你的FTP client不允许你删除非空的文件夹,请为你的FTP client选择可使用的选项。 你总能够找到一个选项,允许删除非空的文件夹。 快速彻底地删除非空的文件夹,并且清除旧的WordPress安装。 因为安全方面的考虑,建议你删除文件夹后,立刻返回初始设置。

Using Telnet or SSH to delete file
If you have a command-line login (telnet or ssh), you can enter the following commands to make backup copies of the files you need to keep and to delete ONLY the wordpress files in your directory (plus .htaccess). If you've customized other files (like index.php) not included by the cp commands below, copy them as well:
  • mkdir backup
  • cp wp-config.php .htaccess backup
  • cp -R wp-content backup
  • rm wp*.php .htaccess license.txt readme.html xmlrpc.php
  • rm -rf wp-admin wp-includes
  • cp backup/wp-config.php .
  • After you have finished with the upgrade, you can restore any customizations to your templates or plugins from your backup directory. For example, use cp backup/index.php . to restore index.php.
Alternatively, using SSH, you could copy wp-config.php, .htaccess, and any content files you've added or altered into the new wordpress directory. Then, rename the old one (to archive it), and move the new one into its place.

;使用Telnet或者 SSH删除文件:如果你有个命令行登录(telnet or ssh),你可以使用下面的命令,为你需要保存的文件备份,而且只删除你的目录中的wordpress文件(和.htaccess)。 如果你已经自定了其它文件(如index.php),不被下面的cp命令包含,同样复制这些文件:

  • mkdir backup
  • cp wp-config.php .htaccess backup
  • cp -R wp-content backup
  • rm wp*.php .htaccess license.txt readme.html xmlrpc.php
  • rm -rf wp-admin wp-includes:* cp backup/wp-config.php .
  • 升级好之后,你可以在备份目录中的插件或者你的模板中重新储存任何自定义内容。 例如,使用cp backup/index.php .重新储存index.php
此外,使用SSH,你应该复制wp-config.php, .htaccess,以及任何你添加或者更改到新的wordpress目录的内容文件。 然后,重新命名旧的文件(或者对其归档),并且将新的文件放到正确的位置。

Step 8: Upload the new files[ ]

With the new upgrade on your local computer, and using FTP, upload the new files to your site server just as you did when you first installed WordPress. See Using FileZilla and Uploading WordPress to a remote host for detailed guidelines in using an FTP Client to upload.

NOTE: If you did not delete the wp-content folder, you will need to overwrite some files during the upload.

第8步: 上传新文件[ ]

将新的升级版本上传到你的本地电脑上后,请使用FTP, 上传新的文件到你的站点服务器上,就如你第一次安装WordPress时,那样做。 关于使用FTP Client上传的详细的指示说明,请看看使用 FileZilla将WordPress上传到远程主机

注: 如果你没有删除wp-content文件夹,你需要在上传的时候,覆盖一些文件。

The wp-content folder holds your WordPress Themes and Plugins. These should remain. Upload everything else first, then upload only those WordPress files that are new or changed to your new wp-content folder. Overwrite any old versions of default plugins with the new ones.

The WordPress default theme has changed so you will want to upload the wp-content/themes/default folder. If you have custom changes to the default theme, those changes will need to be reviewed and installed after the upgrade.

>wp-content 文件夹拥有你的WordPress主题和插件。 这些应该保存。 首先上传其它的内容,然后值上传那些新的WordPress文件或者更改到你的新的wp-content文件夹中的WordPress文件。 使用新的插件,覆盖任何旧的版本的默认插件。

WordPress默认主题已经更改了,因此你想要上传wp-content/themes/default文件夹。 如果你对默认主题进行了自定义更改,升级后,你应该查看并且安装这些更改的内容。

Step 9: Run the WordPress upgrade program[ ]

Using a web browser, go to the WordPress admin pages at the normal /wp-admin location. WordPress will check to see if a database upgrade is necessary, and if it is, it will give you a new link to follow.

This link will lead you to run the WordPress upgrade script by accessing wp-admin/upgrade.php. Follow the instructions presented on your screen.

Note: Make sure the database user name registered to WordPress has permission to create, modify, and delete database tables before you do this step. If you installed WordPress in the standard way, and nothing has changed since then, you are fine.

If you want to run the upgrade script manually:

  • If WordPress is installed in the root directory, point your browser to: http://example.com/wp-admin/upgrade.php
  • If WordPress is installed in its own subdirectory called blog, for example, point your browser to: http://example.com/blog/wp-admin/upgrade.php

If you experience difficulties with login after your upgrade, it is worth clearing your browser's cookies.

第9步: 运行WordPress升级程序[ ]

使用网络浏览器,进入normal /wp-admin处的WordPress管理网页。 WordPress会查看是否需要对数据库进行升级,如果需要,WordPress会给你提供链接,让你运行。

这个链接会引导你,通过使用wp-admin/upgrade.php,运行WordPress升级脚本。 遵循你的界面上提供的指导说明。

注: 确定在WordPress上注册的数据库用户名,拥有权限创建,更改,和删除数据库表格,然后你再执行这个步骤。 如果你以标准的方式安装WordPress的,而且之后什么也没改,那么这样可以。


  • 如果WordPress安装在根目录上,将你的浏览器指向: http://example.com/wp-admin/upgrade.php
  • 如果WordPress安装在称为例如博客的子目录上,你将你的浏览器指向: http://example.com/blog/wp-admin/upgrade.php


Step 10: Update Permalinks and .htaccess[ ]

In your Options->Permalinks panel update your Permalink Structure and, if necessary, place the rules in your .htaccess file. Also see Using Permalinks for details regarding Permalinks and the .htaccess file.

第10步: 更新 Permalinks和 .htaccess[ ]

在你的选项->Permalinks面板上,更新你的Permalink结构,而且,如果必要的话,将规则放到你的.htaccess文件。 关于Permalinks和.htaccess文件的详细信息,也看看使用 Permalinks

Step 11: Install updated Plugins and Themes[ ]

Please review the Plugin Compatibility List and Theme Compatibility List, or plugin/theme authors, to find plugins and themes compatible with your new WordPress version. Upload and install new versions of your Plugins and Themes, if necessary.

第11步: 安装更新后的插件和主题[ ]

请查看插件兼容性列表主题兼容性列表,或者插件/主题作者,找到与你的新版本的WordPress相兼容的插件和主题。 如果必要的话,上传并且更新新版本的插件和主题。

Step 12: Reactivate Plugins[ ]

Use your Administration Panel, Plugins, to activate your Plugins.

第12步: 重新激活插件[ ]


<!—请注意,如果你正在使用新的WordPress数据库备份插件,你可能需要更改wp-content文件夹上的权限,使得你的网络服务器能够编写这个文件(权限为 666 或者设置为777)。 更多的详细信息,请看看更改文件权限。 -->

Step 13: Add the SECRET_KEY definition to wp-config.php[ ]

If there is not a SECRET_KEY define statement in your wp-config.php file, add one. Beginning with Version 2.5, a SECRET_KEY for salting (strengthening) user passwords was added to the wp-config.php file. To improve the chances your user passwords are not 'hacked' here's an example of the line to add to your wp-config.php file:

define('SECRET_KEY', 'RF63k93hb9shj3klvbn37sjd9a9n"'); // Change this to a unique phrase.

Note: Remember that the above line should be added somewhere inside/between the PHP beginning <?php and ending ?> code.

第13步: 给wp-config.php添加SECRET_KEY定义[ ]

如果你的wp-config.php文件中没有SECRET_KEY定义声明,请添加一个。 从2.5版本开始, SECRET_KEY用来牢固(加固)用户密码,而且添加在wp-config.php文件中。 使得你的用户密码,更不容易被'破解',下面有一行,可以添加到你的wp-config.php文件:

define('SECRET_KEY', 'RF63k93hb9shj3klvbn37sjd9a9n"'); //将这一行更改为唯一的词组。

注: 记住上面的这一行,应该添加在以<?php开始而且以?>编码结束的PHP内部/中间。

Step 14: Review what has changed in WordPress[ ]

Please review these resources to see what's new in WordPress:

第14步: 查看WordPress中出现了怎样的更改[ ]


Special note for Fantastico Upgrades[ ]

When using the Fantastico upgrade process to upgrade from a pre-Version 2.2, Fantastico will use the wp-config-sample.php file to regenerate a new wp-config.php file. By doing this, two new values, DB_CHARSET and DB_COLLATE, are placed into the wp-config.php file. Those lines should be deleted from your wp-config.php if you are upgrading from a pre-Version 2.2 (like 2.0.10 or 2.1.3) to Version 模板:CurrentVersion. A detailed explanation about DB_CHARSET and DB_COLLATE can be found in WordPress:Editing wp-config.php.

Other languages[ ]

志愿者在WordPress 支持论坛上帮助你解决问题。

    • 保存,用于以后升级


其它语言[ ]

Language (english, native) Version (new to old) Remark
Chinese, 简体中文 2.2.1 to 2.2.2, 2.1 to 2.2, 2.1.2 to 2.1.3, 2.1 to 2.1.1, 2.0.7 to 2.0.9, 2.0.6 to 2.0.7, 2.0.5 to 2.0.6, 2.0.4 to 2.0.5
Hungarian, magyar nyelv 2.1.2 to 2.1.3, 2.x to 2.1, none specified
Italian, italiano none specified, none specified
Korean 1.5.x, 2.0.x to 2.1, 2.0.4 to 2.0.5
Spain, Castellano 2.2 to 2.2.1, 2.2.1 to 2.2.2, 2.2.2 to 2.2.3, 2.3 to 2.3.1, 2.3.1 to 2.3.2, 2.3.2 to 2.3.3, 2.3 to 2.5
Thai, ภาษาไทย 2.0.3 to 2.0.4, 2.0.x to 2.3, 2.3 to 2.5.1
Turkish, Türkçe none specified
Russian, Русский old to new
Ukrainian, украї́нська мо́ва any 2.0.x to 2.3.x, 2.0.5 to 2.0.6

语言 (英语, 母语) 版本 (旧到新) Remark
Chinese, 简体中文 2.2.1 到 2.2.2, 2.1到2.2, 2.1.2到2.1.3, 2.1到2.1.1, 2.0.7到2.0.9, 2.0.6到2.0.7, 2.0.5到2.0.6, 2.0.4 to 2.0.5
Hungarian, magyar nyelv 2.1.2到2.1.3, 2.x到.1, none specified
Italian, italiano none specified, none specified
Korean 1.5.x, 2.0.x to 2.1, 2.0.4到.0.5
Spain, Castellano 2.2 to 2.2.1, 2.2.1到2.2.2, 2.2.2到2.2.3, 2.3到2.3.1, 2.3.1到2.3.2, 2.3.2到2.3.3, 2.3 to 2.5
Thai, ภาษาไทย 2.0.3到2.0.4, 2.0.x到2.3, 2.3到2.5.1
Turkish, Türkçe none specified
Russian, Русский [1]
Ukrainian, украї́нська мо́ва any 2.0.x to 2.3.x, 2.0.5 到2.0.6

Troubleshooting[ ]

Scrambled Layout or Errors
If your blog looks scrambled now or features line errors, an old plugin that doesn't work with the new code may be the culprit. In your WordPress Administration Panel, deactivate all plugins that do not come with WordPress by default. Re-activate them one by one.
Made Custom Changes/Hacks?
If you have made changes to other WordPress files ("hacked" WordPress), you are supposed to keep track of your changes. You will have to transfer your edits into the new code. WordPress:WordPress Versions lists the files that have changed in each release.
Resist Using Old Code
Upgrading gives you the newest and best code. Using your old code, no matter how much you have customised it, almost certainly will cause problems. The temptation just to use your old modified code will be great, but the chances of errors are much greater.

疑难解决[ ]

;混乱了布局或者错误:如果你的博客现在看起来很混乱,或者有行出现了错误,可能是因为旧的插件不能够与新的代码兼容。 在你的WordPress管理面板中,取消非WordPress默认的所有插件。 然后再一个一个地激活插件。 ;做出自定义的更改/Hacks? :如果你更改了其它的WordPress文件("hacked" WordPress),你应该了解你更改的内容。 你需要将你编辑的内容,转变为新的代码。 WordPress版本列出了每次发行的新版本,更改的文件。 ;继续使用旧的代码:更新,能够使你得到最新的和最好的代码。 使用就代码,不管你怎样自定义了这些代码,都会产生问题。 想要使用旧的,更改后的代码,这个想法是好的,但是产生问题的机率,也更大。

Can I Go Back to Old Versions
You can, but it is usually not recommended to rollback (revert) your current version to an older version. That is because newer versions often include security updates and a rollback may put your site at risk. Second, the change between the database structure between versions may cause complications in maintaining your site content, posts, comments, and plugins that are dependent upon the information stored in the database. If you are still intent on this, proceed at your own risk. Please note, that without a backup of your entire site and your database, made prior to your upgrade attempt, a successful rollback is near impossible. Delete all WordPress files except for wp-config. Upload the files from your backup to your server and restore your database backup. Remember, you must have good backups for the rollback to work. For older WordPress versions, a rollback might not work.
Get More Help
If you get any errors following an upgrade, check Troubleshooting: Common Installation Problems, WordPress:Troubleshooting, and the Codex Installation Category of Articles. If you can't find an answer, post a clear question on the WordPress Suppport Forums. You will be asked if you have used any old code. You'll be told to change it then, so you may as well change it now :)

;我能够返回到旧的版本吗:你可以,但是通常不建议你从一个当前的版本返回(回到)到一个更旧的版本。 这是因为新的版本通常包含安全更新,如果返回到旧的版本,可能会使得你的站点,冒风险。 其次,版本之间数据库结构的不同,可能会使得依赖数据库信息的站点内容,文章,评论,和插件的维护变得复杂。 如果你仍然坚持从新的版本,返回到旧的版本,你需要自己承担风险。 请注意,在你尝试升级之前,没有给你整个站点和数据库做文件备份的话,要想成功地返回到旧的版本,几乎是不可能的。 删除所有的WordPress文件,wp-config除外。 从备份中上传文件到你的服务器并且重建你的数据库备份。 记住,你必须拥有很好的备份,这样才能返回运行旧的版本。 对于更旧的WordPress版本,可能不能够返回运行。

;得到更多的帮助,如果你升级后,遇到了任何问题,请查看疑难解答: 常见安装问题, 疑难解答, 和[2]。 如果你找不到答案,可以在WordPress 支持论坛上发表你的问题。 你需要回答,你是否已经使用过任何旧的代码。 然后,你就会被告知,更改你的旧代码,所以你现在改,也是一样的:)

Old Upgrade Information[ ]

If you are considering upgrading to WordPress Version 模板:CurrentVersion, but you are at Version 1.2, then follow the 1.2 to 1.5 upgrade as describe in Upgrading From WordPress Version 1.2 to 1.5. Once you are upgraded to Version 1.5.x, then follow the instructions as listed above to upgrade from 1.5 to 模板:CurrentVersion.

旧的升级信息[ ]

如果你考虑升级到WordPress版本1.39.3,但是你现在还在1.2版本,那么你可以遵循从WordPress1.2版本升级到1.5版本中的描述。 你升级到1.5.x之后,可以遵循上述的指示,从1.5升级到1.39.3。