WordPress:WPMU SVN Repository
WPMU 核心代码[ ]
Wordpress MU开发代码托管在Automattic,在http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/
最新的版本在: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/trunk/
可以通过wpmu的标签查看wpmu发行的文章状态。 http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/tags/
SVN维持了tagged版本(基本上与发行版本相应),和HEAD版本(最新的bleeding edge beta)。除非你正在积极地发展,否则建议你运行tagged版本。
Running off the SVN head[ ]
Running off the SVN head[ ]
You can run WPMU off the SVN head by:
You can run WPMU off the SVN head by:
- svn co http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/trunk/ .
- and then running the installation instructions
- svn co http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/trunk/ .
- 然后运行安装指示
Note the WordPress:WPMU Development Methodology - there can be bugs trying to run the HEAD of the SVN checkout.
注意WPMU发展方法 –有一些程序缺陷试图运行HEAD of the SVN checkout。
Running off a tagged version[ ]
Running off a tagged version[ ]
Rather than running off the HEAD of SVN, which can include unconcluded or incomplete changes, some people favour running off a tagged version, and then, once a later version has been complete and released, switch the install to use a later tag.
没有running off the HEAD of SVN,这可能包含为完成的更改,一些人更喜欢running off已标记的版本,然后,一旦稍后的版本完成并且发行了,切换当前版本,使用later tag。
Tagged versions are selected just like a checkout of the HEAD.
已标记版本的选择就如checkout of the HEAD。
- svn co http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/tags/2.6/ .
- svn co http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/tags/2.6/。
Updating WPMU to run off a later tag[ ]
更新WPMU 运行稍后的标签[ ]
- svn切换http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/tags/2.6/
This will replace all files that were associated with the tagged files from the repository (in our example, from 1.5.1) to the newer version, 2.6.
Naturally you can use the same method to go backwards, to an older version.
WP Plugin SVN Code[ ]
WP 插件SVN 代码[ ]
Although the code for (some?) plugins is held in
There is no known way of keeping those plugins up to date with the latest stable releases. Note also that whereas wpmu core is under the strict watchful eye of donncha, the plugins repository is open to submission by anyone. You take your chances!
Vendor Branches[ ]
Vendor Branches[ ]
Subversion has the mechanism to help you bring in a third party codebase into your own repository. This is described here:
and here:
It would be useful if someone reconciled this for use with wpmu and wp-plugins and one's own code.
如果有人将这个与wpmu 和 wp-plugins和自己的代码用在一起,将有用。
Some potentially useful strategies:
Ideally we could do with a strategy that takes the best of these two. Perhaps you'd like to add a how-to onto Codex?