WordPress:WPMU Admin Confirmed Username Before Able To Blog
Code for WordPressMU Administration confirmed username before the blogger is able to start blogging.
rcsdiff -C 5 -r1.1 wp-signup.php =================================================================== RCS file: wp-signup.php,v retrieving revision 1.1 diff -C 5 -r1.1 wp-signup.php *** wp-signup.php 2007/07/25 03:43:23 1.1 --- wp-signup.php 2007/08/27 19:46:27 *************** *** 154,183 **** // allow definition of default variables $filtered_results = apply_filters('signup_another_blog_init', array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'blog_title' => $blog_title, 'errors' => $errors )); $blog_id = $filtered_results['blog_id']; $blog_title = $filtered_results['blog_title']; $errors = $filtered_results['errors']; ! echo '<h2>' . sprintf( __('Get <em>another</em> %s blog in seconds'), $current_site->site_name ) . '</h2>'; if ( $errors->get_error_code() ) { echo "<p>" . __('There was a problem, please correct the form below and try again.') . "</p>"; } ?> ! <p><?php printf(__("Welcome back, %s. By filling out the form below, you can <strong>add another blog to your account</strong>. There is no limit to the number of blogs you can have, so create to your heart's content, but blog responsibly."), $current_user->display_name) ?></p> <?php ! $blogs = get_blogs_of_user($current_user->ID); ! ! if ( ! empty($blogs) ) { ?><p><?php _e('Here are the blogs you already have:') ?></p><ul><?php ! foreach ( $blogs as $blog ) ! echo "<li><a href='http://" . $blog->domain . $blog->path . "'>" . $blog->domain . $blog->path . "</a></li>"; ?></ul><?php } ?> ! <p><?php _e("If you’re not going to use a great blog domain, leave it for a new user. Now have at it!") ?></p> <form name="setupform" id="setupform" method="post" action="wp-signup.php"> <input type="hidden" name="stage" value="gimmeanotherblog" /> <?php do_action( "signup_hidden_fields" ); ?> <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="9"> <?php --- 154,194 ---- // allow definition of default variables $filtered_results = apply_filters('signup_another_blog_init', array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'blog_title' => $blog_title, 'errors' => $errors )); $blog_id = $filtered_results['blog_id']; $blog_title = $filtered_results['blog_title']; $errors = $filtered_results['errors']; + + $blogs = get_blogs_of_user($current_user->ID); + $domains = ""; + foreach ($blogs as $blog) { + if ($blog->userblog_id != 1) { + $domains .= "<li><a href='http://" . $blog->domain . $blog->path . "'>" . $blog->domain . $blog->path . "</a></li>\n"; + } + } + + if ($domains) { + $add_a = "<strong>another</strong>"; + } else { + $add_a = "a"; + } ! echo '<h2>' . sprintf( __('Get %s %s blog'), $add_a, $current_site->site_name ) . '</h2>'; if ( $errors->get_error_code() ) { echo "<p>" . __('There was a problem, please correct the form below and try again.') . "</p>"; } ?> ! <p><?php printf(__("Welcome back, %s. By filling out the form below, you can add $add_a blog to your account."), $current_user->display_name) ?></p> <?php ! if ( $domains ) { ?><p><?php _e('Here are the blogs you already have:') ?></p><ul><?php ! print $domains; ?></ul><?php } ?> ! <p><?php _e("If you’re not going to use a great blog domain, please leave it for a new user.") ?></p> <form name="setupform" id="setupform" method="post" action="wp-signup.php"> <input type="hidden" name="stage" value="gimmeanotherblog" /> <?php do_action( "signup_hidden_fields" ); ?> <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="9"> <?php *************** *** 252,264 **** <input id="signupblog" type="hidden" name="signup_for" value="user" /> <?php } else { ?> <input id="signupblog" type="radio" name="signup_for" value="blog" <?php echo $signup[ 'blog' ] ?> /> <label for="signupblog"><?php _e('Give me a blog please!') ?></label> <br /> ! <!-- <input id="signupuser" type="radio" name="signup_for" value="user" <?php echo $signup[ 'user' ] ?> /> <label for="signupuser"><?php _e('Just a username, please.') ?></label> - --> <?php } ?> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> --- 263,274 ---- <input id="signupblog" type="hidden" name="signup_for" value="user" /> <?php } else { ?> <input id="signupblog" type="radio" name="signup_for" value="blog" <?php echo $signup[ 'blog' ] ?> /> <label for="signupblog"><?php _e('Give me a blog please!') ?></label> <br /> ! <input id="signupuser" type="radio" name="signup_for" value="user" <?php echo $signup[ 'user' ] ?> /> <label for="signupuser"><?php _e('Just a username, please.') ?></label> <?php } ?> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> *************** *** 395,411 **** validate_another_blog_signup(); break; default : $user_email = $_POST[ 'user_email' ]; do_action( "preprocess_signup_form" ); // populate the form from invites, elsewhere? ! if ( is_user_logged_in() && ( $active_signup == 'all' || $active_signup == 'blog' ) ) { ! signup_another_blog($newblogname); ! } elseif( is_user_logged_in() == false && ( $active_signup == 'all' || $active_signup == 'user' ) ) { ! signup_user( $newblogname, $user_email ); } else { ! _e( "You're logged in already. No need to register again!" ); ! } if ($newblogname) { if( constant( "VHOST" ) == 'no' ) $newblog = 'http://' . $current_site->domain . $current_site->path . $newblogname . '/'; else --- 405,420 ---- validate_another_blog_signup(); break; default : $user_email = $_POST[ 'user_email' ]; do_action( "preprocess_signup_form" ); // populate the form from invites, elsewhere? ! ! if( is_user_logged_in() == false) { ! signup_user( $newblogname, $user_email ); } else { ! signup_another_blog($newblogname); ! } if ($newblogname) { if( constant( "VHOST" ) == 'no' ) $newblog = 'http://' . $current_site->domain . $current_site->path . $newblogname . '/'; else
[wikiconsul@host wp-includes]$ rcsdiff -r1.1 -C5 wpmu-functions.php =================================================================== RCS file: wpmu-functions.php,v retrieving revision 1.1 diff -C5 -r1.1 wpmu-functions.php *** wpmu-functions.php 2007/07/20 13:42:54 1.1 --- wpmu-functions.php 2007/08/28 18:11:11 *************** *** 1111,1137 **** } $admin_email = get_site_option( "admin_email" ); if( $admin_email == '' ) $admin_email = 'support@' . $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_NAME' ]; $message_headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "From: " . get_site_option( "site_name" ) . " <{$admin_email}>\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"\n"; ! $message = sprintf(__("To activate your blog, please click the following link:\n\n%s\n\nAfter you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login.\n\nAfter you activate, you can visit your blog here:\n\n%s"), $activate_url, "http://{$domain}{$path}"); // TODO: Don't hard code activation link. $subject = sprintf(__('Activate %s'), $domain.$path); ! wp_mail($user_email, $subject, $message, $message_headers); } function wpmu_signup_user_notification($user, $user_email, $key, $meta = '') { global $current_site; // Send email with activation link. $admin_email = get_site_option( "admin_email" ); if( $admin_email == '' ) $admin_email = 'support@' . $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_NAME' ]; $message_headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "From: " . get_site_option( "site_name" ) . " <{$admin_email}>\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"\n"; ! $message = sprintf(__("To activate your user, please click the following link:\n\n%s\n\nAfter you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login.\n\n"), "http://{$current_site->domain}{$current_site->path}wp-activate.php?key=$key" ); // TODO: Don't hard code activation link. $subject = sprintf(__('Activate %s'), $user); ! wp_mail($user_email, $subject, $message, $message_headers); } function wpmu_activate_signup($key) { global $wpdb; --- 1111,1137 ---- } $admin_email = get_site_option( "admin_email" ); if( $admin_email == '' ) $admin_email = 'support@' . $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_NAME' ]; $message_headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "From: " . get_site_option( "site_name" ) . " <{$admin_email}>\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"\n"; ! $message = sprintf(__("To activate $user_email's blog ($user), please click the following link:\n\n%s\n\nAfter you activate, they will receive *another email* with your login.\n\nAfter you activate, you can visit the blog here:\n\n%s"), $activate_url, "http://{$domain}{$path}"); // TODO: Don't hard code activation link. $subject = sprintf(__('Activate %s'), $domain.$path); ! wp_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message, $message_headers); } function wpmu_signup_user_notification($user, $user_email, $key, $meta = '') { global $current_site; // Send email with activation link. $admin_email = get_site_option( "admin_email" ); if( $admin_email == '' ) $admin_email = 'support@' . $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_NAME' ]; $message_headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "From: " . get_site_option( "site_name" ) . " <{$admin_email}>\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"\n"; ! $message = sprintf(__("To activate $user_email ($user) user, please click the following link:\n\n%s\n\nAfter you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login.\n\n"), "http://{$current_site->domain}{$current_site->path}wp-activate.php?key=$key" ); // TODO: Don't hard code activation link. $subject = sprintf(__('Activate %s'), $user); ! wp_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message, $message_headers); } function wpmu_activate_signup($key) { global $wpdb; ***************