WordPress:Plugins/Plugin Compatibility/2.3

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Here is a list of plugins that have been tested for compatibility with WordPress:Version 2.3.

下面是一列插件,已经经过测试,与 2.3版本相兼容。

Note to contributors: Please include the version number of the plugin you tested. This will help both WordPress users and plugin developers determine what needs to be addressed.


If you are a plugin author, please feel free to add your own plugin, and update or change anything.


Related: 相关的:

Conflicting plugins[ ]

不兼容的插件[ ]

Don't run any of these pairs of plugins listed at the same time. (Choose one or the other, not both!)


Working plugins, no issues[ ]

运行的插件,没有问题[ ]

A - D[ ]

A - D[ ]

E - H[ ]

E - H[ ]

I - L[ ]

I - L[ ]

M - P[ ]

M - P[ ]

Q - T[ ]

Q - T[ ]

U - Z[ ]

U - Z[ ]

Non-working plugins, or has issues[ ]

不能够运行的或者有问题的插件[ ]

A - D[ ]

E - H[ ]

I - L[ ]

  • ImmerStat 0.5 - Should work, but untested. Please contact the author if it is found to work.
  • Inline Trackbacks 1.5.2 - Project was abandoned years ago by the original author.

M - P[ ]

  • MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad A new non-obtrusive way of displaying a single line of advertising message, a special note or other information right at the top of your blog.
  • Menu Manager 1.1 - Uses old Categories/Links tables. Project seems abandoned, needs someone to fix it.
  • myRecentPosts Widget 1.1 - using old category tag: Table '(database name).wp_post2cat' doesn't exist
  • Organize Series WordPress Plugin 1.6.3 - Uses direct database calls and thus will break with 2.3. Author is working on an update.
  • Plugin Installer 0.2.1 (The admin menu works fine, but can not download plugins by entering URL. -- 10/1/07 - Latest version working fine, even download by URL.)
  • PodPress 8.5 disabled ability to view uploaded images and caused them to be added to editor as links rather than embedded images
  • Popularity Contest 1.2.1 (it does count the page impressions etc., but the "Most Popular Posts" page needs a redesign. There are lots of SQL errors related to the now obsolete category system.)
  • Post Levels 1.1.1 (SQL errors when attempting to view a single post.)

Q - T[ ]

U - Z[ ]

A - D[ ]

E - H[ ]

I - L[ ]

M - P[ ]

  • MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad 在你的博客的顶右上方显示一行广告信息,或者注意事项,或者其它信息的一种,新的,不令人讨厌的方法。*Menu Manager 1.1 – 使用旧的类别/链接表格。插件似乎已经取消了,需要有人解决。
  • myRecentPosts Widget 1.1 – 使用旧的类别标签:表格'(数据库名)wp_post2cat' 不存在
  • Organize Series WordPress Plugin 1.6.3 – 直接调用数据库,在2.3中已经不能够操作。 作者正在更新。
  • Plugin Installer 0.2.1 (管理菜单正常运行,但是通过输入URL,不能够下载插件。-- 10/1/07 – 最近的版本正常运行,即使由URL下载,也是这样。)
  • PodPress 8.5 不能够浏览上传的图像,这样图像作为链接添加到编辑器,而不是作为嵌入的图像
  • Popularity Contest 1.2.1 (不能够计算昂扬impressions 等等,但是"最受欢迎的文章" 网友需要重新设计。现在已经过时的类别系统有许多相关的 SQL 错误。)
  • Post Levels 1.1.1 (当试着查看一篇文章的时候,会出现SQL错误。)

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