WordPress:FAQ Forums

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What are the Forums all about?[ ]

论坛是关于什么的?[ ]

The WordPress Support Forums are designed to provide answers to your WordPress problems and issues.

WordPress 支持论坛是用来提供有关WordPress方面的问题和疑难的答案的。

See also:


Who answers questions on the Forum[ ]

谁在论坛上回答问题[ ]

Volunteers, the unpaid kind, answer all the questions on the WordPress Support Forums.

志愿者,不收报酬,回答WordPress 支持论坛上的所有问题。

See also:


What is the proper etiquette on the Forums?[ ]

论坛上适当的礼节指的是什么?[ ]

Please read Using the Support Forums!


Why don't they use phpBB software for the Forums?[ ]

为什么他们不为论坛使用phpBB软件?[ ]

The WordPress developers have chosen to use the bbPress software over phpBB because they also developed bbPress. bbPress is a bare-bones, fast, forum system, and is a work-in progress. It supports registered users, categorization, tags, topic history, resolved/un-resolved status, and a search engine (when properly implemented).

WordPress开发人员选择使用bbPress 软件而不是phpBB,因为他们也开发了bbPressbbPress是个纯粹,快速的论坛系统,而且正处于发展之中。bbPress支持已注册的用户,分类,标签,话题历史,已解决的/未解决的状态,和搜索引擎(适当执行的时候)。

Is there a better method for searching the Forums?[ ]

有没有什么更好的版本来搜索论坛?[ ]

Try the old Forum Search: http://wordpress.org/support/search.php


Where do I get support for a wordpress.com blog?[ ]

我可以在哪里得到关于对wordpress.com 博客的支持?[ ]

The official way to contact the WordPress.com support team is through the "Feedback" tab in the Dashboard of your WordPress.com blog, or on the WordPress.com forums.

联系WordPress.com支持小组的官方方式是通过你的WordPress.com博客上的Dashboard上的"Feedback"标签,或者在WordPress.com 论坛上。

WordPress.com Resources[ ]

WordPress.com 资源[ ]

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