HostMonster主机cPanel退款政策[ ]
- 最近因为一些其他原因,进行了一次HostMonster主机退款,偶然发现HostMonster官方改变了退款政策。以前退款只需填写任意回复邮箱,所有的回复邮件都会发送到这个邮箱中,但是这次退款发现官方将申请退款填写信息确认链接发送到主机注册时填写的联系人邮箱中,后来发送邮件询问具体原因,HostMonster官方回复的邮件内容如下:
We are only able to send communication to the email that is on file for your account.
If you would like an email sent to another address,
please log into your Hostmonster cPanel and update the email address on file.
We would then be able to send your
information to the new email address.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Thank you,
Billing Specialist
- 上述邮件大致内容:我们发送邮件到主机账户的联系人邮箱,如果你想让邮件发送到另一个邮箱地址,请登录HostMonster主机cPanel面板修改邮箱地址,我们将发送邮件到新的联系人邮箱地址。
- 由此可知,申请HostMonster主机退款需要我们注意联系人邮箱是否和填写的回复邮箱一致,否则容易出现收不到邮件的情形。
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