' sChannelID ------ 频道ID
' sClassID ------ 栏目ID(0为全部,如果大于0,则调用指定栏目及其子栏目)
' sSpecialID ------ 专题ID(0为全部,如果大于0,刚调用指定专题)
' TopNum ------ 最多记录数,0为全部(用于分页显示)
' TitleLen ------ 标题最多字符数
' ShowClassName ------ 是否显示栏目名称(True为显示,False为不显示)
' ShowProperty ------ 是否显示文章属性(固顶/推荐/普通),(True为显示,False为不显示)
' ShowPrefix ------ 是否显示前缀如:[推荐][图文][注意]字样(True为显示,False为不显示)
' ShowAuthor ------ 是否显示文章作者,True为显示,False为不显示)
' ShowDateType ------ 显示更新日期的样式
' ---- 0(不显示)
' ---- 1(2004-10-01 23:45:45)
' ---- 2(年-月-日 时:分:秒)
' ---- 3(10-01 23:45)
' ---- 4(2004-10-01)
' ---- 5(2004年10月01日)
' ---- 6(10-01)
' ---- 7(20041001234545)
' ShowHits ------ 是否显示文章点击数(True为显示,False为不显示)
' ShowHot ------ 是否显示热门文章标志(True为显示,False为不显示)
' IsElite ------ 是否推荐(True为是,False为否)
' IsHot ------ 是否热门(True为是,False为否)
' UserName ------ 指定某用户(不指定请留空值或0)
' CssStyle ------ CSS样式
'==================================================================================================== Function ShowArticle(sChannelID,sClassID,sSpecialID,TopNum,TitleLen,ShowClassName,S howProperty,ShowPrefix,ShowAuthor,ShowDateType,ShowHits,ShowHot,IsElite, IsHot,UserName,CssStyle) sChannelID = Cl.ChkClng(sChannelID) : sClassID = Cl.ChkClng(sClassID) sSpecialID = Cl.ChkClng(sSpecialID) : TopNum = Cl.ChkClng(TopNum) TitleLen = Cl.ChkClng(TitleLen) : ShowClassName = Cl.ChkCBool(ShowClassName) ShowProperty = Cl.ChkCBool(ShowProperty) : ShowPrefix = Cl.ChkCBool(ShowPrefix) ShowAuthor = Cl.ChkCBool(ShowAuthor) : ShowDateType = Cl.ChkClng(ShowDateType) ShowHits = Cl.ChkCBool(ShowHits) : ShowHot = Cl.ChkCBool(ShowHot) IsHot = Cl.ChkCBool(IsHot) : IsElite = Cl.ChkCBool(IsElite) UserName = Trim(UserName) : CssStyle = Trim(CssStyle) Cl.GetChannelSetting(sChannelID) if TopNum=0 then SqlInfo="Select " else SqlInfo="Select Top "&TopNum&" " end if SqlInfo = SqlInfo & "A.ArticleID,A.ClassID,C.ClassName,C.ParentPath,C.ClassDir, C.ParentDir,A.Title,A.Author,A.CopyFrom,A.UpdateTime,A.Editor, A.TitleFontColor,A.TitleFontType,A.Hits,A.OnTop,A.Hot,A.Elite, A.Passed,A.Prefixion,A.Stars,A.PaginationType,A.ReadLevel, A.ReadPoint,A.DefaultPicUrl,A.IsHtml,A.HtmlFileUrl, Intro from Cl_Article A Inner Join Cl_Class C On A.ClassID=C.ClassID where A.Deleted="&FalseType&" and A.Passed="&TrueType&" and A.ChannelID="&sChannelID&" " if sClassID>0 then Dim tClass Set tClass=Cl.Execute("select ClassID,Child,ParentPath,arrChildID from Cl_Class where ChannelID="&sChannelID&" and ClassID=" & sClassID) if not(tClass.bof and tClass.eof) then if tClass(1)>0 then SqlInfo=SqlInfo & " and A.ClassID in (" & tClass(3) & ")" else SqlInfo=SqlInfo & " and A.ClassID=" & sClassID end if else SqlInfo=SqlInfo & " and A.ClassID=" & sClassID end if Set tClass=Nothing end if if sSpecialID>0 then SqlInfo=SqlInfo & " and A.SpecialID=" & sSpecialID if IsElite=True then SqlInfo=SqlInfo & " and A.Elite="&TrueType if IsHot=True then SqlInfo=SqlInfo & " and A.Hits>=" & Clng(Cl.Web_Setting(14)) if UserName<>"" and UserName<>"0" then SqlInfo=SqlInfo & " and A.Editor='" & UserName & "'" SqlInfo=SqlInfo & " order by A.OnTop,A.UpdateTime desc,A.ArticleID desc" Set rsInfo= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") OpenConn : rsInfo.open SqlInfo,Conn,1,1 if rsInfo.bof and rsInfo.eof then TotalPut=0 ShowArticle="<br><li>没有任何"&Cl.Channel_Setting(2)&"</li>" rsInfo.close:set rsInfo=Nothing : Exit Function End if TotalPut=rsInfo.recordcount if TopNum>0 then SqlInfo=rsInfo.GetRows(-1) else if (TotalPut mod MaxPerPage)=0 then TotalPages = TotalPut \ MaxPerPage else TotalPages = TotalPut \ MaxPerPage + 1 end if if CurrentPage > TotalPages then CurrentPage=TotalPages if CurrentPage < 1 then CurrentPage=1 rsInfo.move (CurrentPage-1)*MaxPerPage SqlInfo=rsInfo.GetRows(MaxPerPage) end if rsInfo.close:set rsInfo=Nothing dim strTemp,Linkurl,i dim TitleStr,Author,AuthorName,AuthorEmail,sTitleLen i=0:strTemp = "<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class="""&CssStyle&""">" For i=0 to Ubound(SqlInfo,2) sTitleLen = TitleLen strTemp = strTemp & "<tr><td align=""left""> " if ShowProperty=True then if SqlInfo(14,i)=True then strTemp = strTemp & "<img src=""" & Cl.mainpic(13) & """ alt=""固顶""> " elseif SqlInfo(16,i)=True then strTemp = strTemp & "<img src=""" & Cl.mainpic(12) & """ alt=""推荐""> " else strTemp = strTemp & "<img src=""" & Cl.mainpic(11) & """ alt=""普通""> " end if end if if ShowClassName=True and SqlInfo(1,i)<>ClassID then strTemp=strTemp & "[<a href=""" & Cl.WebDir & Cl.GetClassUrl(Clng(Cl.Channel_Setting (11)),Cl.HtmlDir,Cl.Channel_Setting(4),SqlInfo(3,i),SqlInfo(1,i), SqlInfo(5,i),SqlInfo(4,i),Clng(Cl.Channel_Setting(10)), Cl.Channel_Setting(13)) & """>" & SqlInfo(2,i) & "</a>] " sTitleLen=sTitleLen-Len(SqlInfo(2,i))-1 end if if ShowPrefix=True and SqlInfo(18,i)<>"" then strTemp = strTemp & "<font color=blue>"&SqlInfo(18,i)&"</font>" sTitleLen=sTitleLen-Len(SqlInfo(18,i))-2 end if if Instr(SqlInfo(7,i),"|")>0 then Author=Split(SqlInfo(7,i),"|") AuthorName=Author(0) AuthorEmail=Author(1) else AuthorName=SqlInfo(7,i) AuthorEmail="Aspoo@126.com" end if if SqlInfo(24,i)=True and Clng(Cl.Channel_Setting(10))=1 then LinkUrl=Cl.WebDir & SqlInfo(25,i) else LinkUrl=Cl.WebDir & Cl.Channel_Setting(4) & "/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID="&SqlInfo(0,i) end if strTemp = strTemp & "<a href=""" & LinkUrl & """ title=""标题:" & SqlInfo(6,i) & vbcrlf & "作者:" & AuthorName & vbcrlf & "更新:" & SqlInfo(9,i) & vbcrlf & "点击:" & SqlInfo(13,i) & """ target=""_blank"">" TitleStr=Cl.GotTopic(SqlInfo(6,i),sTitleLen) TitleStr=Cl.GetTitleFont(TitleStr,SqlInfo(12,i)) TitleStr=Cl.FormatColor(TitleStr,SqlInfo(11,i)) strTemp=strTemp & TitleStr & "</a></td><td align=right>" if ShowHot=True then if CDate(SqlInfo(9,i))=date() then strTemp= strTemp & "<img src=""" & Cl.mainpic(7) & """ alt=""最新"">" elseif SqlInfo(13,i)>=Clng(Cl.Web_Setting(14)) then strTemp= strTemp & "<img src=""" & Cl.mainpic(8) & """ alt=""热门"">" end if end if if ShowAuthor=True or ShowHits=True or ShowDateType>0 then strTemp = strTemp & "(" if ShowAuthor=True then strTemp=strTemp & "<a href=""mailto:" & AuthorEmail & """>" & AuthorName & "</a>" end if if ShowHits=True then if ShowAuthor=True then strTemp=strTemp & "," end if strTemp=strTemp & Cl.FormatColor(SqlInfo(13,i),"#ff0033") end if if ShowDateType>0 then if ShowHits=True or ShowAuthor=True then strTemp=strTemp & "," end if if CDate(SqlInfo(9,i))=date() then strTemp = strTemp & "<font color=red>" else strTemp = strTemp & "<font color=#999999>" end if strtemp = strtemp & Cl.Format_Time(SqlInfo(9,i),ShowDateType) & "</font>" end if strTemp = strTemp & ")</td></tr>" end if strTemp= strTemp & "<tr><td height=""1"" background=""/images/title_bottom_line.gif""></td><td height=""1"" background=""/images/title_bottom_line.gif""></td></tr>" Next ShowArticle=strTemp & "</table>" SqlInfo="" end Function