Gallery: Gallery1与Gallery2 的比较:修订间差异

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=Celebrity Death Match: Gallery 1 vs. Gallery 2=

:Currently, this article is being tweaked for the up-coming release of G2.2. Previously, it was edited to include features added in G2.1 and of course the original G2.0 release.  G2.2 adds a few neat features, one of the most awsome I think will prove to be the "downloadable plugins" feature.  It will let you download *new* plugins right from inside G2, instead of fooling around with FTP or what ever.
:此文目前应即将发布的G2.2做了适当的调整。在此文早些时候的编辑中包含有G2.1中添加的特点,当然还包括原始的G2.0版本。G2.2添加了一些简洁的特点,其中我认为最棒的是"可下载插件(downloadable plugins)"特点。它允许你直接由G2内部进行**插件的下载,而无需使用FTP瞎捣鼓了。

:Due to the co-existance of Gallery 1 & 2, you might have some questions about the whole thing.  This article compares these two products, highlighting their differences, similarities, advantages and disadvantages.  It should help you decide which one is better for you, both by offering suggestions and making sure you know as much as possible before choosing.  The best place to start is with a brief overview of both products, so you will know the very basics before taking the big plunge.

:Gallery 1 and 2 are both web based photo album software, written in PHP.  This means that they are meant to reside on a web server, usually in a hosted environment.  They use an interface that is entirely web based to make it simpler for you to upload, maintain and show off your images.  They both use certain external programs to create thumbnails and custom sized images and they are organized in a hierarchy of folders, with thumbnails of images which when clicked lead to the larger versions of the image.  Some of the main features are that it is multi-user, web based, highly automated, flexible and fairly user friendly.

:Installation of both G1 and G2 start with similar steps.  You will need to obtain the “code” from the gallery site, extract, and upload it to your site and run a setup wizard.  You might need to setup some image manipulation binaries, but there is a chance your hosting provider will already have one which will end up saving you some time.  They start to get very different at the setup wizard, G1’s is very complicated and has a lot of options.  G2’s is very pretty with as few options as possible to configure, though you will need to give it some database information that G1 does not need.
:G1和G2的初始安装步骤都很相似。你需要从gallery站点获取 “代码”,进行解压,上传到你的站点并运行安装向导。你可能需要安装某些图片操作二进制,但很可能你的托管服务提供商已经为你准备好了,这能节省不少时间。随着安装的深入,步骤也越发不同了,G1的安装非常复杂并且牵涉到很多选项。 G2的安装则简化了不少,配置选项尽可能地被压缩到最小的数目,但你得提供一些数据库信息,G1则没有对此做要求。

:The release of G2.1 saw a marked improvement in the already great installer.  The improvements are primarily visiblity and usability changes, done after a study by [ OpenUsability].
: G2.1版本在已有的安装程序中做了改良。这些改良主要是可视化及可用性方面的修改,这些改良是在[ OpenUsability]的调查研究之后作出的。

:If you have your own server and are just starting out by installing the very basics (Apache, PHP, MySQL), things can get a little tougher.  Most server distributions make installing these applications a snap, but some have minor stumbling points that are simple to fix but not obvious to figure out.  MySQL can sometimes be especially painful to get going for a novice.

:''Which to choose?'' Since G2 has the simpler and more intuitive installer, I think it would be the first choice.  If you like to fill out lots of variables, G1 might be better for you.  If you are starting from scratch, G1 has the advantage of *not* requiring MySQL which can sometimes be painful to get working.
:''该选择哪一个呢?'' 因为G2具有更简单且更直观的安装程序,因此我觉得它是首选。但是如果你更像自己制定更多的变量的话,G1可能会更合你的口味。如果你只是略通皮毛的话,G1不对MySQL做要求的优势就体现出来了,因为MySQL对于初学者而言就是恶梦。

==Database vs. File Metadata Storage==
:One of the main differences between Gallery 1 and 2 is how the “metadata” (comments, titles, descriptions, keywords, etc) are kept and maintained.  Gallery 1 uses a file based approach whereas Gallery 2 uses a database approach.  It might not be obvious, but they both have advantages and disadvantages that are probably the first you will need to take into account when picking.  First of all, if your hosting provider doesn’t offer a database option (like MySQL) you have only two options:  Use Gallery 1 or find another host.

:Storing the metadata in a file is much simpler and thus can be faster for smaller galleries.  It also has fewer resource requirements, so will run better on lower end or older servers.  Of course, it also has drawbacks.  As G1 grows, it will use up more and more memory (ram) to do certain operations.  With average usage, G1 starts to top out at around 5,000 images.  There are of course sites who host far more than that with ease, and sites that choke much earlier.

:Keeping the metadata in a database also has some very real advantages and disadvantages.  The biggest advantage is scalability; G2 should be able to keep five, ten, one hundred or even a million images with very little performance difference between them.  Of course, other aspects will come into play to determine a realistic maximum but the theoretical limit is big, very big.  As proof of this, the [ care2 connect] site is based on a very modified, early alpha version of G2 and hosts over 900,000 images (and probably has 5,000+ users). Being database driven does have a drawback though, if it takes a fairly fixed amount of time to load up the “framework” to deal with the database, smaller galleries may see no advantage or even increased times.  A file based system may take 0.1 seconds to open up a 10 image album, but a database system which is fixed at 0.5 seconds for *any* album is still slower for 10 images. Of course, it might take that file based system 10 seconds to load an album with 1,000 images and it would just crash and die trying to load 10,000 images.
:将元数据保留在数据库中利弊皆有。最大的优势就是可扩展性;G2应当能够无区别地保留5张,10张,100张或100万张的相片,而性能方面并不会因照片数量受太大影响。当然其他方面制约着相片数量的上限,但理论上来说,这个上限不小,或者说很大。为了证明这一点,[ care2 connect]站点是基于较早期Gallery的alpha版本上的,并且保留有超过90万张图片(而且可能有超过5000名用户)。数据库驱动的确有劣势,如果要以指定好长度的时间来载入“framework”以处理数据库的话,那么较小的gallery可能无法看到优势所在,甚至会花费更多的时间。一个基于文件的系统打开10张相片的相册可能花费0.1秒,但数据库系统指定的读取时间是0.5秒,那么打开10张相片相册的速度显然大于0.1秒,也就是多花了时间。当然,该基于文件的系统可能需要10秒来打开含有1000张图片的相册,当读取1万张图片的相册时就会崩溃。

:''Which to choose?'' If your gallery is going to be large, the obvious choice is G2.  If your gallery is going to be small (and stay small) and/or running on very low end hardware, it is a tougher choice.  G1 would probably run better for most people, but the flexibility and power of G2 will make most users happier.  In this situation, I would suggest trying both and picking the one you like best.
:''选择哪个?'' 如果你的Gallery内容很多的话,必然要选择G2了。如果你的gallery内容很少(并一直保持很少),并且依托较低端的硬件的话,那么选择起来就比较困难了。G1可能会比较管用,但跟G2的灵活性和强大的功能比起来就相形见绌了。在这种情况下,我会建议对二者都做个尝试,然后再选取你最中意的来使用。

==Thumbs, Resized and Full Images==
:G1 and G2 both support a user definable size for thumbnails, resized images and full images.  G2 adds to this by allowing multiple resized images to be specified, which could be very useful for some.  Both G1 and G2 also allow you to modify which part of the image is used for the thumbnail, very useful for making a thumb include only what you want.  G2 takes this a small step further by also allowing you to upload your own custom image to use as a thumbnail for that specific item.  G2 also has a square thumbs module which will automatically make square thumbs (cropped to square aspect ratio or padded to fit in a square).  The crop-to-square feature is available as a modification to G1 however, so it is not entirely unique. Both G1 and G2 allow the user to pick a maximum file size or dimension, which helps to limit the amount of space used by images.  Both G1 and G2 (from release G2.2) support auto-rotation.  If your camera has an orientation sensor or *sometimes* a rotation button you can use on the camera (my Olympus C5050Z has this), G1 and G2 will automatically orient your images correctly.

:G1 and G2 both support a fairly wide variety of image formats, but G2 excels here by supporting a few more interesting ones such as PSD, PDF and TIFF.  G2 is also able to handle non-image/movie file types much more easily, allowing custom thumbnails for different file types as well as simply allowing them to be uploaded.

:''Which to choose?''  As G2 supports more image formats than G1 and (from release G2.2) also supports auto-rotation, it is a fine choice, but G1 is not far behind.
:''选择哪个?''  因为较之G1,G2支持更多的图片格式而且G2.2以后的版本还支持自动旋转,所以G2不失为一个好的选择。G1只是略逊一筹罢了。

==Image Toolkits==
:Gallery 1 and 2 are both fairly similar in this area, so it will be very brief.  They both support using [ NetPBM] and [ ImageMagick], two very popular open source image manipulation toolkits, for thumbnail and sized image creation.  There is also a modification for G1 to allow [ ffmpeg] support.  Gallery 2 goes quite a few steps further though, by also supporting GD, dcraw and [ ffmpeg] out of the box.  GD is an image manipulation program that can (and usually is) built into PHP, dcraw is able to convert the RAW format images from many digital cameras and perhaps the most exciting is [ ffmpeg] which allows creation of thumbnails for various video formats.  Yes, that’s right you can upload a video and have its thumbnail be any frame from within it.  Gallery 2 also makes it much easier to support different tools through its module system, allowing for future expansion in a way that is far simpler compared to G1.  Another advantage G2 offers is that <strong>all</strong> of the image toolkits can be active at the same time.  This means that GD, IM and NetPBM can all be used at the same time, and in a certain order.  In most cases, this allows for a wider variety of supported image formats.
:Gallery1和Gallery2在这个方面相当相似,因此只进行简略叙述。它们都支持[ NetPBM][ ImageMagick]—二者都是很流行的开源图片处理工具,用于创建缩略图和定义尺寸的图片。G1也可经修改以支持[ ffmpeg]。而Gallery2则更先进一点,同时支持GD,dcraw和[ ffmpeg]。GD是一个图片处理程序,常以PHP构建;dcraw能够转换来自诸多数码相机份的RAW格式图片;而最令人激赏的则是[ ffmpeg]了,它允许创建各种视频格式的缩略图。对,你可以上传一个视频并可将其中任意一帧画面作为缩略图。Gallery2通过自身的模块系统能够更轻松地支持不同的工具,这就使得将来的扩充更为简便。另一G2所带来的优势就是<strong>所有</strong>图片工具包可同时处于活动状态。这就意味着按照某种次序,GD,IM和NetPBM可以同时使用。在大多数情况下,这将提供图片格式更广的支持范围。

:Both G1 and G2 have support for EXIF data, which is important to most digital camera users because it stores detailed information about settings, dates and many other aspects of the image.  G2 goes another step further by supporting IPTC, which is another system used for embedding information in an image.

:''Which to choose?'' In this respect, G1 doesn't have any advantage over G2.  G2 allows those without the ability to execute binaries the option of GD, use of IPTC data, easy video thumbs and images from RAW format.
:’’选择哪个?’’ 在这方面,G1可以说甘拜下风了。G2无需执行二进制就可以达成这些目的,GD的选用,IPTC数据的使用,简便的视频缩略图以及RAW格式图片的处理都无疑印证了这一点。

==Permissions System==
:Gallery 1 and 2 both feature an extensive permissions system.  They allow you to choose the owner of albums (giving them full control), who can view an image, who can upload images, who can make comments and many other aspects.  Groups are a feature of G2 that makes management of large numbers of users much simpler and easier.  Unfortunately, the user interface for permissions in G2 is not very intuitive, though it is very powerful and offers a finer control than G1.  This is a known issue and will be worked on at a future date for sure.  Both G1 and G2 support "hidden" items which are images or albums that are only visible when the user visits the URL directory or has sufficient permissions to see it.  G2 also has password protected albums, which can make it easier to restrict access to images but still also be relativly easy to share.

:There is of course one very big difference between G1 and G2 when it comes to permissions.  For G1 to work, your directory of images has to be publicly accessible on the internet.  This means that anyone can view the image directly, perhaps by guessing the name of a file or by using your site to get an idea of the file and directory names.  It can be limited by some means, but it isn’t always possible.

:In G2, the directory of images can (and should) be stored outside of your “web root.”  This means that if your website is in the directory /, you can store your G2 images at / which is impossible to access from the internet.  All images are accessed directly through G2’s framework, making the permissions impossible to bypass when the images directory is not web accessible.

:''Which to choose?'' If the relativly complex permissions UI of G2 seems daunting, G1 is a good choice.  If you want your images to be absolutely protected by your permissions or you manage a large number of users, G2 is the obvious choice.  If you don’t mind waiting for a better permissions UI, G2 is the better choice.
:’’选择哪个?’’ 如果你觉得G2的权限UI较为复杂的话,可以使用G1。但如果你希望图片能够完全通过你所设定的权限得到足够保护,或者你需要管理大批用户的话,G2无疑是你的选择。如果你不介意G2可能迟来的较好的权限UI的话,就选择G2吧。

:Both Gallery 1 and 2 offer a theme system that allows users to customize the look and feel of their gallery.  In G1, it is really limited to colors and to a limited extent, the look.  Most G1 themes look fairly similar, differing mainly in color, font and decoration.  The general layout remains mostly the same.  G2 in contrast is a vastly different beast.  It comes with a couple of themes that are all very different from each other, and the potential is literally endless.  If you have the time, skills and courage you can make your G2 look like any other photo album system you have ever seen.  You can even make it look like one you haven’t seen.  This is due to the extreme flexibility of the theme system in G2, which was built from the ground up with themes in mind.  There are a couple of themes being developed as part of the Google Summer of Code and a theme contest is planned.  At some point, the theme scene will explode.
:G1和G2都提供外观主题系统,这将允许用户自定义gallery的外观效果。在G1中,这仅限于颜色的自定义以及相当受限的外观种类。大部分的G1外观主题看起来大同小异,主要区别只是颜色,字体和修饰,而总体布局基本相同。G2则成为了鲜明的对比,可谓层出不穷的外观主题集合体。G2所带有的大量外观主题都各不相同,而其中蕴含的变数是无穷尽的。如果有时间,有技术并且有点胆识的话,你完全可以将G2模仿成任何你见过的相片相册系统。你甚至可以打造自己独一无二从未见过的G2相片相册系统。这都要归功于G2极为灵活的外观主题系统。其中有不少外观主题都被开发为Google Summer of Code的一部分,并且某个外观主题竞赛也在筹划之中。某种意义上说,G2的外观主题世界可谓各种爆料之所在。

:One of the largest issues with themes and their settings was resolved in the G2.1 release.  Now, all theme settings can be recursed so that changes to themes are easy to accomplish.  G2.2 supports recursive watermarking, which makes it even better.

:''Which to choose?'' There can be only one in this case really: G2’s themes are just so much more attractive and flexible it would be hard to pick G1.
:’’选择哪个?’’ 这里只有一种选择,毫无疑问的一种选择:G2的外观主题更加吸引人也更加灵活,因此想选G1还真得有点勇气。

:Both G1 and G2 support some level of integration with a fairly large number of web based software products.  It ranges from something as simple as easy linking of images all the way up to sharing users and an indistinguishable layout.  There are so many for both that it would take too long to discuss in detail.  Instead, if this is your reason for choosing between G1 and G2, it would be best to look into the specific integration you prefer and see how well it is supported.  Just some of the popular packages offering G1 or G2 integration are WordPress, phpBB2, Mambo (Joomla), PHPNuke, Invision Board, Drupal, PostNuke and vBulletin. [[Gallery2:Integration:Available_Integrations|List of all available G2 integrations]].
:G1和G2都支持与相当数量基于web的软件某种程度上的整合--从简单的图片链接到用户共享以及难辨的布局。由于牵涉到的内容太多,因此要花费很多时间进行细节上的讨论。如果你要在G1和G2中进行选择的话,最好看看自己比较偏好哪种整合并看看支持得如何。某些提供G1或G2的整合包有WordPress,phpBB2,Mambo (Joomla),PHPNuke,Invision Board,Drupal,PostNuke以及vBulletin。 [[Gallery2:Integration:Available_Integrations|可用G2整合列表]]

:Another important factor for skilled developers is that G2 was written with integration in mind.  So if you need to start from scratch, [[Gallery2:Embedding|G2 includes an API]] which allows for user syncing and many other items.  G2 can literally become part of whatever you want, instead of just looking like something included in your format.

:''Which to choose?'' In this case, I would first check on the status of both G1 and G2’s integration and if this is the main factor in your determination, pick the one with the more advanced integration.  Either way, chances are pretty good that the G2 integration for the product you choose will advance fairly quickly to the point you want.  If you are a developer and will need to write your integration from scratch, G2 is the way to go.
:’’选择哪个?’’ 在这种情况下,我会首先检查G1和G2整合的状况,而如果这是你作出决定的条件的话,请选择具有更高级整合的那一个吧。还有,G2整合会更好地与其他飞速发展中的程序兼容。如果你是一位开发者,而且需要从皮毛开始学习编写自己的整合的话,G2会是一条不错的途径。

:The method for uploading images to G1 and G2 is almost certainly going to be the most important aspect for your gallery’s users.  If it is hard to use, ugly, or awkward, people will complain and your family might decide bodily harm is deserved.  Luckily, the Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) is fairly high due to the number of options available for upload.
:The method for uploading images to G1 and G2 is almost certainly going to be the most important aspect for your gallery’s users.  If it is hard to use, ugly, or awkward, people will complain and your family might decide bodily harm is deserved.  Luckily, the Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) is fairly high due to the number of options available for upload.

:Both G1 and G2 support an HTML form for uploading where users simply click a browse button, find the file they wish to upload, select it (and up to 10 more) and go.  For a few images this is pretty easy, but for more than about 5 it gets tedious.  That is why they also offer a Java mini-applet that loads right in the upload page.  Uploading is as simple as dragging the images from a file explorer shell to the Java applet and clicking upload.  There is also an “Add Pictures” button which will popup the familiar file selection box, but instead of only allowing a single selection it allows multiple.  The final upload method with a high WAF is the built in Windows XP upload.  On the computer you intend to use, simply download and install the registry file that is offered in your gallery.  Now you will have a context based sidebar in XP that will allow you to upload any number of images, right from the shell.
:G1和G2都 support an HTML form for uploading where users simply click a browse button, find the file they wish to upload, select it (and up to 10 more) and go.  For a few images this is pretty easy, but for more than about 5 it gets tedious.  That is why they also offer a Java mini-applet that loads right in the upload page.  Uploading is as simple as dragging the images from a file explorer shell to the Java applet and clicking upload.  There is also an “Add Pictures” button which will popup the familiar file selection box, but instead of only allowing a single selection it allows multiple.  The final upload method with a high WAF is the built in Windows XP upload.  On the computer you intend to use, simply download and install the registry file that is offered in your gallery.  Now you will have a context based sidebar in XP that will allow you to upload any number of images, right from the shell.

:Moving on to the more geek related upload methods, there's a full blown Java-based Gallery Remote (similar to the Java mini applet, but of course much bigger), uploading from a local server and uploading from a URL.  The full Java applet Gallery Remote is a standalone application run on a client computer that allows you to interact with your gallery in many ways, including photo upload.  Gallery Remote offers drag-and-drop file upload when used with KDE, offering a very attractive option for Linux and *BSD users.  Uploading from local server allows you to provide a path on the file system where files will be found, perhaps uploaded with FTP by you earlier.  The upload from web page is a very interesting upload method which most people overlook.  If you give it the path of an image file, it will download it and add it to your album, but if you give it the path to an html file (or directory), it will parse the html and find all references to images and give you a list to pick and choose from.  Very useful!  G2's local file upload goes beyond what G1 offers in that you can select a ''directory'' for upload, and the entire directory tree will be recreated as an album structure, with all of the files in the directory added, mirroring the structure on disk.
:Moving on to the more geek related upload methods, there's a full blown Java-based Gallery Remote (similar to the Java mini applet, but of course much bigger), uploading from a local server and uploading from a URL.  The full Java applet Gallery Remote is a standalone application run on a client computer that allows you to interact with your gallery in many ways, including photo upload.  Gallery Remote offers drag-and-drop file upload when used with KDE, offering a very attractive option for Linux and *BSD users.  Uploading from local server allows you to provide a path on the file system where files will be found, perhaps uploaded with FTP by you earlier.  The upload from web page is a very interesting upload method which most people overlook.  If you give it the path of an image file, it will download it and add it to your album, but if you give it the path to an html file (or directory), it will parse the html and find all references to images and give you a list to pick and choose from.  Very useful!  G2's local file upload goes beyond what G1 offers in that you can select a ''directory'' for upload, and the entire directory tree will be recreated as an album structure, with all of the files in the directory added, mirroring the structure on disk.
第76行: 第76行:
:G2 also adds the ability to upload images directly from certain Nokia camera phones.  Of note are also a few modules and tools, such as a Picasa importer and a plug-in for iPhoto (these two are not yet bundled with G2) and the scripts and (nearly the same script, but the former is for G1 and the latter for G2) which can be used locally or remotely.
:G2 also adds the ability to upload images directly from certain Nokia camera phones.  Of note are also a few modules and tools, such as a Picasa importer and a plug-in for iPhoto (these two are not yet bundled with G2) and the scripts and (nearly the same script, but the former is for G1 and the latter for G2) which can be used locally or remotely.

:''Which to choose?'' In this case, since G1 and G2 share a base feature set with G2 bringing a few more extras in, I believe the choice is G2.  That said, they are both fairly well off and similar, so picking G1 wouldn’t be a mistake either.
:’’选择哪个?’’ In this case, since G1 and G2 share a base feature set with G2 bringing a few more extras in, I believe the choice is G2.  That said, they are both fairly well off and similar, so picking G1 wouldn’t be a mistake either.

:For many people, this can be a very important aspect of displaying photos online. Since it is impossible to fully protect an image from being “stolen” if it is visible on the screen, the best way to protect an image is to watermark it.  This is something that both G1 and G2 support.  G1 and G2 are able to selectively watermark thumbnails, sized images and full images at the user’s choice.  G2 again goes a few steps further.  With G1, if you watermark the “full” image it is applied directly to the full image and is thus permanent.  In G2 watermarks are applied to copies of the image instead, which makes it possible to turn watermarking off, change the watermark in the future and a host of other things.  One of those other things is to only watermark images that are hot linked.  That means if someone visits your site, all the images will have either no watermark or a watermark of your choosing (perhaps something like “copyright somebody”).  If someone then takes the link to your photo and puts it in their own site, the watermark might say “This person is hot linking this picture from”  A great and perhaps fun solution to hot linking!
:对于很多人来说,线上的相片展示离不开这一块儿。因为很难保证某张相片不会被别人“剽窃”,因为这是真格的开放式的展示;因此最好的保护手段就是给图片添加水印效果。G1和G2都支持水印效果,它们都能够应用户的需要可选地为缩略图,设定尺寸的图片以及全尺寸图片添加水印效果。G2在这方面也略胜一筹。使用G1,如果你为全尺寸图片添加了水印,那么该效果就会直接应用于全尺寸图片而且是永久性的。而在G2中,水印效果是被应用于图片拷贝的,这样就可以关闭水印效果,使得将来修改水印效果并用于其他项目成为可能。这里指的其他项目中包括仅为hotlinked(热链的)图片添加水印效果。这意味着,如果某人访问了你的网站,所有的图片都不会带有水印效果或仅你选择的图片带有水印效果(可能是某某某版权所有一类的字样)。稍后,如果该访问者选择了你的图片链接并将其放在自己的网站中时,水印效果就体现出来了,可以是“该图片来自。”。这也是hot linking比较不错且有意思的解决办法了!

:G1 and G2 both support watermarking at upload, but only via the HTML form.  If you use the java based applet, no watermark is applied.  This is easy to fix (in G2 releases from G2.2, and in G1) simply by watermarking the entire album the images are in.

:''Which to choose?'' In this case, G2 is better (from release G2.2; previous G2 releases didn't support recursive watermarking).  G2 supports such interesting watermarking features, but they can be hard to use (XXX is this still true?).  G1's watermarking features are easy to use, but they are limiting and possibly destructive to your original images.  If using G1, just don’t watermark your full sized images, so when you migrate, G2 can work with a clean copy of your images.
:’’选择哪个?’’ 在这种情况下,G2会比较好(自G2.2以来的版本;之前的G2版本不支持递归式的水印添加)。G2支持如此有趣的水印特色,但使用起来却很难。G1的水印特色使用起来很简单,但它们仅限于原始图片而这种局限性对原始图片来说是毁灭性的(无法恢复或取消)。如果使用G1的话,请不要为全尺寸图片添加水印效果,这样当你进行迁移的时候,G2就能够拷贝出一套干净不带水印效果的图片了。

==Voting / Polling / Rating==
:G1 and G2.1 both support rating in some fashion.  The G1 rating is more flexible, allow customization of the choice names and different types of polling / voting.  The down side is that G1's rating doesn't look as attractive as G2's.  The G2 rating system is very similar to netflix.  There are 5 stars and the color of the star is used to display both the average rating *and* your rating.  It also includes the number of votes and can *optionally* display the average votes as a small bar.  Since it is using images, the look is fairly easily tailored to your own site.

:''Which to choose?'' If you need a very elegant and customizable rating system, then G2 has the better offer. If you need rating and polling with user-definable voting options (e.g. text), then only G1 can meet your requirements.
:’’选择哪个?’’ 如果你偏好自定性强且美观的评分系统的话,G2更好些。如果你需要用户可定的评分及推选机制的话,G1能满足你的需求。

==Menu Languages==
:G1 and G2 both fully support alternate languages in menu and navigation items.  G1 has an extensive set of languages available already, fully translated and ready to go.  G2 is a little worse off in this regard, with only a few translations fully done, more fairly done and a lot that are mostly not done. There's a complete list of [[Gallery2:Localization#List_of_Translations|G2 translations]]. Browse to <nowiki></nowiki> (available in the devel package of G2) to see the status of the completion of all installed translations. Fortunately, all it takes is someone who speaks both languages and has some time.  Maybe you could help?
:G1和G2都 fully support alternate languages in menu and navigation items.  G1 has an extensive set of languages available already, fully translated and ready to go.  G2 is a little worse off in this regard, with only a few translations fully done, more fairly done and a lot that are mostly not done. There's a complete list of [[Gallery2:Localization#List_of_Translations|G2 translations]]. Browse to <nowiki></nowiki> (available in the devel package of G2) to see the status of the completion of all installed translations. Fortunately, all it takes is someone who speaks both languages and has some time.  Maybe you could help?

:''Which to choose?'' If you absolutely need your gallery in a language that G2 doesn’t have available yet, you have to choose G1.  If you are one of the lucky 4 or 5 languages that are 98% done, G2 would probably be the better choice.  If you have the time to actually do the translations, pick G2 and submit them back to the project!
:’’选择哪个?’’ If you absolutely need your gallery in a language that G2 doesn’t have available yet, you have to choose G1.  If you are one of the lucky 4 or 5 languages that are 98% done, G2 would probably be the better choice.  If you have the time to actually do the translations, pick G2 and submit them back to the project!

==Multi-lingual Albums==
:One important difference between G1 and G2 is multilingual support in albums.  In G1, I have been struggling to balance display aesthetics and the need to let my Chinese audience and English audience both feel comfortable.  My solution has been to create really concise titles in both languages and display both on the same page.  In G2, you can create a title, a description, and other text info for each language.  Users of one language do not see (and be confused by) text info you created for another language.
:One important difference between G1 and G2 is multilingual support in albums.  In G1, I have been struggling to balance display aesthetics and the need to let my Chinese audience and English audience both feel comfortable.  My solution has been to create really concise titles in both languages and display both on the same page.  In G2, you can create a title, a description, and other text info for each language.  Users of one language do not see (and be confused by) text info you created for another language.

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:Another subtle difference affects practicality in multi-lingual support.  In G1, one can use an explicit URL to force a language selection.  In G2, one cannot.  Therefore, in G1, you can announce your gallery or album in different languages with a definitive URL that makes sure the audience sees the URL in the language used in the announcement.  You cannot do this in G2.
:Another subtle difference affects practicality in multi-lingual support.  In G1, one can use an explicit URL to force a language selection.  In G2, one cannot.  Therefore, in G1, you can announce your gallery or album in different languages with a definitive URL that makes sure the audience sees the URL in the language used in the announcement.  You cannot do this in G2.

:''Which to choose?'' If you want true multi-lingual support, G2 is definitely superior.  However, if you only plan to add album information in a few of the many supported languages, your effort could be buried in the crowded languages drop list.  You also lose the ability to announce a convenient URL  to audiences of different languages.
:’’选择哪个?’’ If you want true multi-lingual support, G2 is definitely superior.  However, if you only plan to add album information in a few of the many supported languages, your effort could be buried in the crowded languages drop list.  You also lose the ability to announce a convenient URL  to audiences of different languages.

==Photo Printing Services==
:G1 and G2 offer the built in ability to send images to an online photo processing facility, but G1 offers more of them.  Currently G1 and G2 both offer the services of PhotoAccess, Shutterfly and Fotokasten. Fotokasten offers services in European countries, which could be important for some users.  G1 also offers Fotoserve, and adds a service called mPUSH which allows thumbnail images to be sent to cell phones. Fortunately, due to G2’s module system it is much easier to add new services.  It is even possible that a service might develop or commission a module for its service to attract new business!  Speaking of which, the service "Digibug" developed their own module which is included in G2.2.  This is a very interesting module because it *requires* site owners to register with them and allows the site owner to set their own detailed pricing. The latest addition to Gallery 2 printing modules list is SnapGalaxy - they provide local (USA & India) as well as worldwide shipping.
:G1 and G2 offer the built in ability to send images to an online photo processing facility, but G1 offers more of them.  Currently G1 and G2 both offer the services of PhotoAccess, Shutterfly and Fotokasten. Fotokasten offers services in European countries, which could be important for some users.  G1 also offers Fotoserve, and adds a service called mPUSH which allows thumbnail images to be sent to cell phones. Fortunately, due to G2’s module system it is much easier to add new services.  It is even possible that a service might develop or commission a module for its service to attract new business!  Speaking of which, the service "Digibug" developed their own module which is included in G2.2.  This is a very interesting module because it *requires* site owners to register with them and allows the site owner to set their own detailed pricing. The latest addition to Gallery 2 printing modules list is SnapGalaxy - they provide local (USA & India) as well as worldwide shipping.

:''Which to choose?'' From release G2.2 (and probably G2.1), the number of photo printing services in G1 and G2 are virtual identical.  If you take into account the Digibug service for G2 which is extremely flexible, the favor definitely falls to G2.
:’’选择哪个?’’ From release G2.2 (and probably G2.1), the number of photo printing services in G1 and G2 are virtual identical.  If you take into account the Digibug service for G2 which is extremely flexible, the favor definitely falls to G2.

:For many people, this will not be a concern due to the fact that they are in a shared hosting environment where they either don't know what their hardware is or have no choice in how powerful it is.  Paid shared hosting environments are likely to have much more powerful servers than an individual would have, but they may also tend to be more loaded due to the sheer number of users involved.  This is a hard section to write because it can depend on so many variables, but to sum it up before we start:  G1 will be more appropriate for "low end" hardware, but of course both will work better as the system increases in power.
:For many people, this will not be a concern due to the fact that they are in a shared hosting environment where they either don't know what their hardware is or have no choice in how powerful it is.  Paid shared hosting environments are likely to have much more powerful servers than an individual would have, but they may also tend to be more loaded due to the sheer number of users involved.  This is a hard section to write because it can depend on so many variables, but to sum it up before we start:  G1 will be more appropriate for "low end" hardware, but of course both will work better as the system increases in power.

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:Let's try and apply some numbers, but keep in mind they will be very general and your specific results could vary widely.  I would suggest anything below ~800MHz with ~256Mb RAM as "low end", ~800MHz - ~1.5GHz with 512Mb RAM as "middle" and ~1.5GHz+ with 1Gb+ RAM as "high end".  These are just rough guesses.  The amount of actual traffic will have a pretty big effect on your requirements as you climb into the big time.  G1 and G2 should both run on any of these, but G1 will almost certainly have the edge at the low end.  At the middle, it will depend a lot on your specific requirements and at the high end you probably won't notice much of a difference between G1 and G2.
:Let's try and apply some numbers, but keep in mind they will be very general and your specific results could vary widely.  I would suggest anything below ~800MHz with ~256Mb RAM as "low end", ~800MHz - ~1.5GHz with 512Mb RAM as "middle" and ~1.5GHz+ with 1Gb+ RAM as "high end".  These are just rough guesses.  The amount of actual traffic will have a pretty big effect on your requirements as you climb into the big time.  G1 and G2 should both run on any of these, but G1 will almost certainly have the edge at the low end.  At the middle, it will depend a lot on your specific requirements and at the high end you probably won't notice much of a difference between G1 and G2.

:''Which to choose?'' If you have a really low end system, you will almost certainly want G1.  Installing a php accelerator like eAccelerator can help a lot for any system though.  Try both, and if one drastically outperforms the other pick it.  Just keep in mind that G2 will scale to a huge number of images and users without requiring much more RAM, but G1 will choke at some point for sure.
:’’选择哪个?’’ If you have a really low end system, you will almost certainly want G1.  Installing a php accelerator like eAccelerator can help a lot for any system though.  Try both, and if one drastically outperforms the other pick it.  Just keep in mind that G2 will scale to a huge number of images and users without requiring much more RAM, but G1 will choke at some point for sure.

:This section contains some items that are hard to categorize or would yield a very small category.  It is mostly features that one or the other does not contain at all which might be of interest.
:This section contains some items that are hard to categorize or would yield a very small category.  It is mostly features that one or the other does not contain at all which might be of interest.

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* Another of the Google Summer of Code projects is a Zen module that uses the gallery cart.  Zen is an open source e-commerce application.
* Another of the Google Summer of Code projects is a Zen module that uses the gallery cart.  Zen is an open source e-commerce application.

:''Which to choose?'' If you need email notification of changes, G1 is probably the choice for you.  If you read the paragraph on G2 features and thought to yourself “Wow, some of these are very interesting and useful!” then G2 should be your choice.
:’’选择哪个?’’ If you need email notification of changes, G1 is probably the choice for you.  If you read the paragraph on G2 features and thought to yourself “Wow, some of these are very interesting and useful!” then G2 should be your choice.

:As you read this article, you might have noticed a bias toward G2 over G1.  I can’t deny it either, because after switching to G2 myself I am a convert.  If this article helped you decide, I am glad no matter what.  If you read the whole thing and still haven’t decided, I would strongly suggest G2.  It has more active developers and really is situated to take over the world, resistance is futile.  My name is Locutus and we are the Borg, prepare for assimilation.
:As you read this article, you might have noticed a bias toward G2 over G1.  I can’t deny it either, because after switching to G2 myself I am a convert.  If this article helped you decide, I am glad no matter what.  If you read the whole thing and still haven’t decided, I would strongly suggest G2.  It has more active developers and really is situated to take over the world, resistance is futile.  My name is Locutus and we are the Borg, prepare for assimilation.

=Feature Chart=
{| class="gallery" style="background-color: #eee; width: 560px"
{| class="gallery" style="background-color: #eee; width: 560px"
|Apache 1.x|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Apache 1.x|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Apache 2.x|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Apache 2.x|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|MS IIS 5+|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 doesn't officially support IIS, but it ''can'' work
|MS IIS 5+|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1不正式支持IIS,但''也能''运作
|Other WWW Servers (Zeus, etc)|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 and G2 run theoretically on any PHP enabled webserver
|其他WWW服务器(Zeus等)|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1和G2理论上可在任何PHP可用的web服务器上运行
|PHP 4.1.0+|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Gallery 2.2 will raise the minimum PHP version to 4.3.0
|PHP 4.1.0+|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Gallery2.2会将最低的PHP版本提升至4.3.0
|PHP 5.0.4+|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|PHP 5.0.4+|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Database|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 can't use a DB, G2 requires either MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or DB2
|数据库(DB)|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1无法使用DB,G2需要MySQL,PostgreSQL,Oracle或DB2的支持
|safe_mode '''*on*'''|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||See this [ thread] for a discussion
|safe_mode '''*on*'''|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||参阅此[ ]的讨论内容
|exec() '''*disabled*'''|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 works with exec() disabled, but thumbs and resizes require GD compiled into PHP
|exec() '''*disabled*'''|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2可在exec()禁用时运行,但缩略图和重设尺寸图片需要编译到PHP中的GD
!'''Supported ToolKits'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;1'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;2'''!!Notes
|ImageMagick|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|ImageMagick|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|NetPBM|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|NetPBM|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|GD|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||GD can be built into PHP, useful for hosts where exec() is disabled
|GD|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||GD可被编译到PHP中,这在exec() 被禁用的host很管用
|GraphicsMagick|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|GraphicsMagick|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|dcraw|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Processes RAW format from many digital cameras
|dcraw|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||处理来自数码相机的RAW格式图片
|ffmpeg|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Processes many video formats
|ffmpeg|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||处理多种视频格式
|MPlayer|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||Processes even more video formats (e.g. WMV 9  aka wmv3)
|MPlayer|| class="free_add_on" |第三方|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||处理更多的书评格式(如WMV 9,也就是、wmv3)
|swf|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Detects the flash/shockwave animation dimensions on upload
|swf|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||在上传时检测flash/shockwave影像的规格尺寸
|id3|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|id3|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
!'''General Features'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;1'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;2'''!!'''Note'''
|Active Development|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|积极的开发|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Multi-User|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|多用户|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|User Registration|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|用户注册|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|New User Approval|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|新用户认可|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Bulk User Addition|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||Add a list of usernames from a CSV file
|批量用户添加|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||添加来自CSV文件的用户名列表
|Forgotten Password Recovery|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|密码恢复|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Usergroups|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">YES</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 will have this feature in from 1.6 on
|用户组|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1自1.6版本以来就有此特点
|Install Wizard|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|安装向导|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Upgrade Wizard|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|升级向导|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Offline Mode|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||Offline mode is used for making a copy of the gallery that can be stored on a CD/DVD/HD using wget or httrack.  It is the HTML and images, with no dynamic content or links.
|离线模式|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||离线模式用于通过wget或httrack存储在CD/DVD/HD上的Gallery拷贝的。它是HTML及图片,没有动态内容或链接。
|Maintenance Mode|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Stop users from accessing your Gallery during a maintenance task
|维护模式|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||当执行维护任务时阻止用户访问你的Gallery
|Cart|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Cart|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|E-Commerce|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||G2: 3rd party module available and additional module developed, available after release of 2.0
|电子商务(E-Commerce)|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||G2:可用的第三方模块及经开发的额外模块,出现于2.0发布之后
|Search|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|搜索|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|URL Rewrite, mod_rewrite|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||For short URLs using Apache mod_rewrite
|URL重写,mod_rewrite|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||针对使用Apache mod_rewrite的短URL
|URL Rewrite, ISAPI Rewrite|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||For short URLs using IIS ISAPI Rewrite (G2.1)
|URL重写,ISAPI重写|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||针对使用IIS ISAPI重写(G2.1)的短URL
|URL Rewrite, PathInfo|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||For short URLs using PHP PathInfo (G2.1)
|URL重写,PathInfo|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||针对使用PHP PathInfo (G2.1)的短URL
|Flat Short URLs|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||G1 short URLs are always like /albumName/photoName.jpg, this comes at the price of unique album names
|平整短URL(Flat Short URL)|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1的短URL总是像这个样子: /albumName/photoName.jpg,这就需要相册名唯一
|Nested Short URLs|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 short URLs are always like /albumName/subAlbumName/photoName.jpg  
|巢式短URL(Nested Short URL)|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2的短URL总是像这个样子:/albumName/subAlbumName/photoName.jpg  
|Permalinks|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Short URLs that don't change when you move an item
|永久链接(Permalinks)|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||当你移动某项目时,短URL不会改变
|Short URLs for Other Features|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||For comments, slideshow, ...
|其他特点的短URL || class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||针对评论,幻灯片等
|RSS|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Available in G2.1
|RSS|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||在G2.1中可用
|Google Sitemap|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Available in G2.1
|Google站点地图|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||在G2.1中可用
|Multi-Language|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|多语言(Multi-Language)|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Per User / Session Language Selector|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|单位用户/对话的语言选择器|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Selectable Language-Packs|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Selectable in Admin -> Plugins (G2)
|可选的语言包|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||在Admin -> Plugins(G2)中可选
|Integratable|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|可整合性|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Multisite Support|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Run multiple G2 installations from a single codebase (good for ISPs)
|多站点支持|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||由单个代码库运行多个G2
|Module System|| class="free_add_on" |Patch|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Extend the functionality with modules rather than with code hacking
|模块系统|| class="free_add_on" |Patch|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||通过模块而不是代码来进行功能扩充
|Mirroring|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||
|Mirroring|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Load Balancing|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||
|Load Balancing|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|CDN Support|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||Use a Content Distribution Network (Coral) to save server bandwidth (Hasn't been updated to work with G2.1 or up-coming G2.2)
|CDN支持|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||使用Content Distribution Network(Coral)来节省服务器带宽(尚未更新到可兼容G2.1或G2.2的版本)
|Upload Any Filetype|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 allows upload of any filetype and has a MIME Manager
|上传任意文件类型|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2允许上传任何文件类型并有一个MIME Manager
|Statistics|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||
|统计数据|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||
|Meta-data Integrity Check|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||G1 has "find orphans", G2 doesn't have an integrity check yet
|元数据完整性检查|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1有"find orphans",而G2则尚无任何完整性检测机制
|System Files Integrity Check|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 checks system file integrity at install and upgrade.
|系统文件完整性检查|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2在安装和升级时检查系统文件的完整性。
|Automated Code Testing|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 has over 2200 unit tests
|自动化的代码测试|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2有超过2200项单元测试
|Guest Preview Mode|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Registered users in G2 can switch between normal and guest mode to see what guests would see
|游客预览模式|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2中的已注册用户可以转换到游客模式以查看游客可见内容
|Downloadable Plugins|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Modules and Themes.
|可下载插件|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||模块和外观主题。
|XML-RPC Remote Protocol|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||G2 support developed, available after release of 2.1
|XML-RPC远程协议|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2支持被开发,在2.1发布之后可用
|Disk Quota|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Define how much webspace each user / group are allowed to use. Gallery 1 will have this from 1.6 on
|Disk Quota|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Define how much webspace each user / group are allowed to use. Gallery 1 will have this from 1.6 on
|Captcha|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Prove you're a human and not a bot when registering.
|Captcha|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Prove you're a human and not a bot when registering.
G1 will have this feature in from 1.6 on
G1 will have this feature in from 1.6 on
|Members Module|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||See a list of all registered users, show items by owner
|Members Module|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||See a list of all registered users, show items by owner
|User Albums|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Each user receives automatically his own album
|User Albums|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Each user receives automatically his own album
|Album Navigation Block|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||A drop-down list or a DHTML menu to navigate through all albums
|Album Navigation Block|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||A drop-down list or a DHTML menu to navigate through all albums
|New / Updated Items|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Mark new / updated items as such  
|New / Updated Items|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Mark new / updated items as such  
|Panorma Viewer|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Java Applet to view panorama photos
|Panorma Viewer|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Java Applet to view panorama photos
|Image Block|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 has more image block types (newest, random, most viewed, ...) and has a GUI to use the block not only on external pages but in G2 pages too.
|Image Block|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2 has more image block types (newest, random, most viewed, ...) and has a GUI to use the block not only on external pages but in G2 pages too.
|Thumbnail Manager|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Set the default thumbnail for non-image items
|Thumbnail Manager|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Set the default thumbnail for non-image items
|Web-Standard Compliance|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 is HTML 4.01 Transitional, G2 is XHTML 1.0 Strict
|Web-Standard Compliance|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 is HTML 4.01 Transitional, G2 is XHTML 1.0 Strict
|Cross Browser Support|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 and G2 display and work correctly in most known web browsers for Windows, Linux and OSX
|Cross Browser Support|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 and G2 display and work correctly in most known web browsers for Windows, Linux and OSX
|Import from Other Applications|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 can import from G1 and Picasa
|Import from Other Applications|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2 can import from G1 and Picasa
|Error System|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 has an error handling system which allows to handle errors gracefully and trace the error back through the whole request.
|Error System|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2 has an error handling system which allows to handle errors gracefully and trace the error back through the whole request.
|Set Date Format|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Site wide, not per user
|Set Date Format|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Site wide, not per user
|Set Server Timezone|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||If the server clock is set to another timezone than you wish, adjust Gallery's timezone (not per user)
|Set Server Timezone|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||If the server clock is set to another timezone than you wish, adjust Gallery's timezone (not per user)
|Comment Quick-Reply Block|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||An add comment block right below the images instead of just a link to add comments.
|Comment Quick-Reply Block|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||An add comment block right below the images instead of just a link to add comments.
|DVD Authoring|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">no</span>|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||Create a DVD slideshow with G2 albums
|DVD Authoring|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">no</span>|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||Create a DVD slideshow with G2 albums
|ImageMaps|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">no</span>||Annotate areas of images
|ImageMaps|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">no</span>||Annotate areas of images
|Geographical Maps|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">no</span>|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||Show interactive geographical maps to illustrate where your images were taken
|Geographical Maps|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">no</span>|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||Show interactive geographical maps to illustrate where your images were taken
|Puzzle Game|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">no</span>|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||Create puzzles from your images
|Puzzle Game|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">no</span>|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||Create puzzles from your images

!'''Album &amp; Items'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;1'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;2'''!!'''Notes'''
!'''Album &amp; Items'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;1'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;2'''!!'''Notes'''
|Title|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Title|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Caption|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Called 'Summary' in G2
|Caption|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Called 'Summary' in G2
|Keywords|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 adds the keywords additionally to the html meta tags of the page, which helps search engines
|Keywords|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 adds the keywords additionally to the html meta tags of the page, which helps search engines
|Multilanguage Texts|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Multilanguage Texts|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Custom Thumbnails|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 doesn't have a GUI for it though
|Custom Thumbnails|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 doesn't have a GUI for it though
|Delete|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Delete|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Move|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Move|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Hide|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Available in G2.1, photos are not visible from navigation, guests and users have to know the URL
|Hide|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Available in G2.1, photos are not visible from navigation, guests and users have to know the URL
|Password Protection|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Available in G2.1 (Password protected items are complementary to user / group level permissions)
|Password Protection|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Available in G2.1 (Password protected items are complementary to user / group level permissions)
|Reorder|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Reorder a lot of items at once by clicking on thumbnails
|Reorder|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Reorder a lot of items at once by clicking on thumbnails
|Change Notification|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||See this [ thread]
|Change Notification|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||See this [ thread]
|Description|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 supports different text next to thumbnail vs viewing the item
|Description|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2 supports different text next to thumbnail vs viewing the item
|Custom Fields|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Custom Fields|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Resize|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Resize|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Rotate|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Rotate|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Lossless Rotation|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||
|Lossless Rotation|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||
|Auto-Rotate|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Auto-rotation based on sensors or settings saved to image by camera.
|Auto-Rotate|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Auto-rotation based on sensors or settings saved to image by camera.
|Crop|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||
|Crop|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Crop Thumbs|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Crop Thumbs|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Square Thumbs|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Both support crop-to-square, G2 also has fit-to-square
|Square Thumbs|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Both support crop-to-square, G2 also has fit-to-square
|Rename|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Rename|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Copy|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||"Replica" Module in G2.2
|Copy|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||"Replica" Module in G2.2
|Link|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||(Removed in G2.2)
|Link|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||(Removed in G2.2)
|Reupload|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Replace image without affecting caption/comments/etc
|Reupload|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Replace image without affecting caption/comments/etc
|User Comments|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 allows choosing an arbitrary username even if you're logged in
|User Comments|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 allows choosing an arbitrary username even if you're logged in
|Voting / Rating|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Voting / Rating|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Watermark|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 does permanently change the uploaded photo. Thus you can't revert watermarking, but you can add multiple watermarks to the same photo in G1.
|Watermark|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 does permanently change the uploaded photo. Thus you can't revert watermarking, but you can add multiple watermarks to the same photo in G1.
|Watermark Hotlinked|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Requires the URL Rewrite module with the mod_rewrite or ISAPI Rewrite (G2.1) method.
|Watermark Hotlinked|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Requires the URL Rewrite module with the mod_rewrite or ISAPI Rewrite (G2.1) method.
|Block Hotlinking|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Requires the URL Rewrite module with the mod_rewrite or ISAPI Rewrite (G2.1) method.
|Block Hotlinking|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Requires the URL Rewrite module with the mod_rewrite or ISAPI Rewrite (G2.1) method.
|Permissions|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 permissions only at the album level
|Permissions|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 permissions only at the album level
|Image Firewall|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 permissions cannot be bypassed because *ALL* requests for images are handled by G2.  If ''g2data'' dir is '''not''' web-accessible, permissions bypassing is impossible.
|Image Firewall|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2 permissions cannot be bypassed because *ALL* requests for images are handled by G2.  If ''g2data'' dir is '''not''' web-accessible, permissions bypassing is impossible.
|Auto Thumb Creation|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Auto Thumb Creation|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Auto Resize Creation|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Auto Resize Creation|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Embedded Movie Player|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Embedded Movie Player|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Thumbs for PDF / PS|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Thumbs for PDF / PS|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Thumbs for movies|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Thumbs for movies|| class="free_add_on" |第三方|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Thumb Page|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Select Page / Frame from a multipage document / movie for the thumbnail
|Thumb Page|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Select Page / Frame from a multipage document / movie for the thumbnail
|Thumbs for CMYK JPG/TIFF|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 optionally checks for the colorspace and generates web-viewable (RGB) thumbnails
|Thumbs for CMYK JPG/TIFF|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2 optionally checks for the colorspace and generates web-viewable (RGB) thumbnails
|Multiple intermediate resolutions per item|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Multiple intermediate resolutions per item|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Max Full Size|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Define the maximal allowed dimensions and/or file size + automatic downsizing
|Max Full Size|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Define the maximal allowed dimensions and/or file size + automatic downsizing
|E-Card|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|E-Card|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Mini Thumb Nav|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Mini Thumb Nav|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|EXIF|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|EXIF|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|IPTC|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|IPTC|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Upload Zip of Images|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Upload Zip of Images|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Upload Rar of Images|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||
|Upload Rar of Images|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Mass Edit|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 & G2 allow mass edit of captions, keywords and a few other items
|Mass Edit|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 & G2 allow mass edit of captions, keywords and a few other items
|Duplicate Image Detection|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||Development abandoned :(
|Duplicate Image Detection|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Development abandoned :(
|Description|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Description|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Sub-albums|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Unlimited number of nesting levels
|Sub-albums|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Unlimited number of nesting levels
|Slideshow|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Slideshow|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Dynamic Albums|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Dynamically generated albums based on some criteria, e.g. show an album of most viewed items.
|Dynamic Albums|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Dynamically generated albums based on some criteria, e.g. show an album of most viewed items.
|Rename|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Rename|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Move|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Move|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Link|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Link|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Permissions|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Permissions|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|User Comments|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|User Comments|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Custom Fields|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Custom Fields|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Download Zip of Images|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Download Zip of Images|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Random Highlight|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Periodically change the album thumbnail
|Random Highlight|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Periodically change the album thumbnail
|HTML Form|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|HTML Form|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Java Mini-Applet|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Java Mini-Applet|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Gallery Remote|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Gallery Remote|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Built in XP|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Built in XP|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|From Local Dir|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G2 has a built in path auto-completion, directory browser and adds directories (albums) recursively and with symlink option
|From Local Dir|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G2 has a built in path auto-completion, directory browser and adds directories (albums) recursively and with symlink option
|From Remote URL|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|From Remote URL|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|WebDAV|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Drag'n'Drop Files on your Desktop to G2 as a network drive.
|WebDAV|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Drag'n'Drop Files on your Desktop to G2 as a network drive.
|Static URL (webcam)|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Static URL (webcam)|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|From CMD Line|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 & G2 support from and, respectively
|From CMD Line|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 & G2 support from and, respectively
|From Nokia Phone|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Another, more general G2 MMS module is in development
|From Nokia Phone|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Another, more general G2 MMS module is in development
|Upload Approval|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="free_add_on" |3rd Party||See [ thread]
|Upload Approval|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="free_add_on" |第三方||See [ thread]
|Multiple Uploads|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Multiple Uploads|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Import Captions when Uploading|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||G1 allows specifying an additional CSV file to import image captions, descriptions, etc.
|Import Captions when Uploading|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 allows specifying an additional CSV file to import image captions, descriptions, etc.
|Picasa|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||  class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Picasa|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||  class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|iPhoto|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" | <span class="hidden">Yes</span>||[[ iphoto2Gallery]] supports both versions.
|iPhoto|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" | <span class="hidden"></span>||[[ iphoto2Gallery]] supports both versions.
!'''Customization of the Look'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;1'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;2'''!!'''Notes'''
!'''Customization of the Look'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;1'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;2'''!!'''Notes'''
|Themes|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 calls them skins and G2 is much more powerful and userfriendly in that respect
|Themes|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 calls them skins and G2 is much more powerful and userfriendly in that respect
|Theme per Album|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Theme per Album|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Total Control over all Templates|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Total Control over all Templates|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Icons|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Icons|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Icon Packs|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Select from different icon packs or create your own
|Icon Packs|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Select from different icon packs or create your own
|Color Packs|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1: define a few colors globally and per album. G2: Select from different color packs or create your own, also per album and globally
|Color Packs|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1: define a few colors globally and per album. G2: Select from different color packs or create your own, also per album and globally
|Block System|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Arrange and configure available blocks (comments, random images, ...) in your theme with a GUI
|Block System|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Arrange and configure available blocks (comments, random images, ...) in your theme with a GUI
|Image/Album Frames|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Image/Album Frames|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|By Manual Sort Order|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|By Manual Sort Order|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|By Title|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 calls it "By Caption"
|By Title|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 calls it "By Caption"
|By Summary|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|By Summary|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|By Description|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|By Description|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|By Name|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 calls it "By Filename"
|By Name|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 calls it "By Filename"
|By Keywords|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|By Keywords|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|By Origination Date|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 calls it "Picture-Taken Date"
|By Origination Date|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 calls it "Picture-Taken Date"
|By Creation Date|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 calls it "Upload Date"
|By Creation Date|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 calls it "Upload Date"
|By Last Changed Date|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|By Last Changed Date|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|By View Count|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||G1 calls it "By Number of Clicks"
|By View Count|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||G1 calls it "By Number of Clicks"
|By Comment Count|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||
|By Comment Count|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Random Sort|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Random Sort|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Ascending / Descending|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Option for each sort criterion
|Ascending / Descending|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Option for each sort criterion
|Albums First Presort|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||Gallery 1 does this on manual resort, G2 can do this automatically.
|Albums First Presort|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||Gallery 1 does this on manual resort, G2 can do this automatically.
|Most Viewed First Presort|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Most Viewed First Presort|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|New Items First Presort|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|New Items First Presort|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
!'''Print Services'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;1'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;2'''!!'''Notes'''
!'''Print Services'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;1'''!!'''Gallery&nbsp;2'''!!'''Notes'''
|Shutterfly|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Shutterfly|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|PhotoWorks|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|PhotoWorks|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
||| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||
||| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Fotokasten|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Fotokasten|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|mPUSH|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>||
|mPUSH|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|Digibug|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|Digibug|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||
|SnapGalaxy|| class="no" |<span class="hidden">No</span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden">Yes</span>||
|SnapGalaxy|| class="no" |<span class="hidden"></span>|| class="yes" |<span class="hidden"></span>||

=Comparisons by Others=
[ G1, G2, CM & Others Comparison Chart], [ G2 vs. CM (old)]
[ G1,G2,CM及其他的比较][ G2对CM(旧)]

[[Category:Gallery|Comparison, G1 vs G2]]
[[Category:Gallery|Comparison, G1 vs G2]]

2008年9月24日 (三) 14:32的版本



此文目前应即将发布的G2.2做了适当的调整。在此文早些时候的编辑中包含有G2.1中添加的特点,当然还包括原始的G2.0版本。G2.2添加了一些简洁的特点,其中我认为最棒的是"可下载插件(downloadable plugins)"特点。它允许你直接由G2内部进行*新*插件的下载,而无需使用FTP瞎捣鼓了。


G1和G2的初始安装步骤都很相似。你需要从gallery站点获取 “代码”,进行解压,上传到你的站点并运行安装向导。你可能需要安装某些图片操作二进制,但很可能你的托管服务提供商已经为你准备好了,这能节省不少时间。随着安装的深入,步骤也越发不同了,G1的安装非常复杂并且牵涉到很多选项。 G2的安装则简化了不少,配置选项尽可能地被压缩到最小的数目,但你得提供一些数据库信息,G1则没有对此做要求。
该选择哪一个呢? 因为G2具有更简单且更直观的安装程序,因此我觉得它是首选。但是如果你更像自己制定更多的变量的话,G1可能会更合你的口味。如果你只是略通皮毛的话,G1不对MySQL做要求的优势就体现出来了,因为MySQL对于初学者而言就是恶梦。


将元数据保留在数据库中利弊皆有。最大的优势就是可扩展性;G2应当能够无区别地保留5张,10张,100张或100万张的相片,而性能方面并不会因照片数量受太大影响。当然其他方面制约着相片数量的上限,但理论上来说,这个上限不小,或者说很大。为了证明这一点,care2 connect站点是基于较早期Gallery的alpha版本上的,并且保留有超过90万张图片(而且可能有超过5000名用户)。数据库驱动的确有劣势,如果要以指定好长度的时间来载入“framework”以处理数据库的话,那么较小的gallery可能无法看到优势所在,甚至会花费更多的时间。一个基于文件的系统打开10张相片的相册可能花费0.1秒,但数据库系统指定的读取时间是0.5秒,那么打开10张相片相册的速度显然大于0.1秒,也就是多花了时间。当然,该基于文件的系统可能需要10秒来打开含有1000张图片的相册,当读取1万张图片的相册时就会崩溃。
选择哪个? 如果你的Gallery内容很多的话,必然要选择G2了。如果你的gallery内容很少(并一直保持很少),并且依托较低端的硬件的话,那么选择起来就比较困难了。G1可能会比较管用,但跟G2的灵活性和强大的功能比起来就相形见绌了。在这种情况下,我会建议对二者都做个尝试,然后再选取你最中意的来使用。


选择哪个? 因为较之G1,G2支持更多的图片格式而且G2.2以后的版本还支持自动旋转,所以G2不失为一个好的选择。G1只是略逊一筹罢了。


’’选择哪个?’’ 在这方面,G1可以说甘拜下风了。G2无需执行二进制就可以达成这些目的,GD的选用,IPTC数据的使用,简便的视频缩略图以及RAW格式图片的处理都无疑印证了这一点。


’’选择哪个?’’ 如果你觉得G2的权限UI较为复杂的话,可以使用G1。但如果你希望图片能够完全通过你所设定的权限得到足够保护,或者你需要管理大批用户的话,G2无疑是你的选择。如果你不介意G2可能迟来的较好的权限UI的话,就选择G2吧。


G1和G2都提供外观主题系统,这将允许用户自定义gallery的外观效果。在G1中,这仅限于颜色的自定义以及相当受限的外观种类。大部分的G1外观主题看起来大同小异,主要区别只是颜色,字体和修饰,而总体布局基本相同。G2则成为了鲜明的对比,可谓层出不穷的外观主题集合体。G2所带有的大量外观主题都各不相同,而其中蕴含的变数是无穷尽的。如果有时间,有技术并且有点胆识的话,你完全可以将G2模仿成任何你见过的相片相册系统。你甚至可以打造自己独一无二从未见过的G2相片相册系统。这都要归功于G2极为灵活的外观主题系统。其中有不少外观主题都被开发为Google Summer of Code的一部分,并且某个外观主题竞赛也在筹划之中。某种意义上说,G2的外观主题世界可谓各种爆料之所在。
’’选择哪个?’’ 这里只有一种选择,毫无疑问的一种选择:G2的外观主题更加吸引人也更加灵活,因此想选G1还真得有点勇气。


G1和G2都支持与相当数量基于web的软件某种程度上的整合--从简单的图片链接到用户共享以及难辨的布局。由于牵涉到的内容太多,因此要花费很多时间进行细节上的讨论。如果你要在G1和G2中进行选择的话,最好看看自己比较偏好哪种整合并看看支持得如何。某些提供G1或G2的整合包有WordPress,phpBB2,Mambo (Joomla),PHPNuke,Invision Board,Drupal,PostNuke以及vBulletin。 可用G2整合列表
’’选择哪个?’’ 在这种情况下,我会首先检查G1和G2整合的状况,而如果这是你作出决定的条件的话,请选择具有更高级整合的那一个吧。还有,G2整合会更好地与其他飞速发展中的程序兼容。如果你是一位开发者,而且需要从皮毛开始学习编写自己的整合的话,G2会是一条不错的途径。


The method for uploading images to G1 and G2 is almost certainly going to be the most important aspect for your gallery’s users. If it is hard to use, ugly, or awkward, people will complain and your family might decide bodily harm is deserved. Luckily, the Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) is fairly high due to the number of options available for upload.
G1和G2都 support an HTML form for uploading where users simply click a browse button, find the file they wish to upload, select it (and up to 10 more) and go. For a few images this is pretty easy, but for more than about 5 it gets tedious. That is why they also offer a Java mini-applet that loads right in the upload page. Uploading is as simple as dragging the images from a file explorer shell to the Java applet and clicking upload. There is also an “Add Pictures” button which will popup the familiar file selection box, but instead of only allowing a single selection it allows multiple. The final upload method with a high WAF is the built in Windows XP upload. On the computer you intend to use, simply download and install the registry file that is offered in your gallery. Now you will have a context based sidebar in XP that will allow you to upload any number of images, right from the shell.
Moving on to the more geek related upload methods, there's a full blown Java-based Gallery Remote (similar to the Java mini applet, but of course much bigger), uploading from a local server and uploading from a URL. The full Java applet Gallery Remote is a standalone application run on a client computer that allows you to interact with your gallery in many ways, including photo upload. Gallery Remote offers drag-and-drop file upload when used with KDE, offering a very attractive option for Linux and *BSD users. Uploading from local server allows you to provide a path on the file system where files will be found, perhaps uploaded with FTP by you earlier. The upload from web page is a very interesting upload method which most people overlook. If you give it the path of an image file, it will download it and add it to your album, but if you give it the path to an html file (or directory), it will parse the html and find all references to images and give you a list to pick and choose from. Very useful! G2's local file upload goes beyond what G1 offers in that you can select a directory for upload, and the entire directory tree will be recreated as an album structure, with all of the files in the directory added, mirroring the structure on disk.
G2 adds one more method that might not be fully considered an upload method, but must be mentioned here for completeness. That is its webcam feature, which allows you to input a URL which will be refreshed at the interval you specify. So if you point it at a webcam, it will download it when ever it should instead of just once. Interesting, but not the full blown webcam system many might hope for.
G2 also adds the ability to upload images directly from certain Nokia camera phones. Of note are also a few modules and tools, such as a Picasa importer and a plug-in for iPhoto (these two are not yet bundled with G2) and the scripts and (nearly the same script, but the former is for G1 and the latter for G2) which can be used locally or remotely.
’’选择哪个?’’ In this case, since G1 and G2 share a base feature set with G2 bringing a few more extras in, I believe the choice is G2. That said, they are both fairly well off and similar, so picking G1 wouldn’t be a mistake either.


对于很多人来说,线上的相片展示离不开这一块儿。因为很难保证某张相片不会被别人“剽窃”,因为这是真格的开放式的展示;因此最好的保护手段就是给图片添加水印效果。G1和G2都支持水印效果,它们都能够应用户的需要可选地为缩略图,设定尺寸的图片以及全尺寸图片添加水印效果。G2在这方面也略胜一筹。使用G1,如果你为全尺寸图片添加了水印,那么该效果就会直接应用于全尺寸图片而且是永久性的。而在G2中,水印效果是被应用于图片拷贝的,这样就可以关闭水印效果,使得将来修改水印效果并用于其他项目成为可能。这里指的其他项目中包括仅为hotlinked(热链的)图片添加水印效果。这意味着,如果某人访问了你的网站,所有的图片都不会带有水印效果或仅你选择的图片带有水印效果(可能是某某某版权所有一类的字样)。稍后,如果该访问者选择了你的图片链接并将其放在自己的网站中时,水印效果就体现出来了,可以是“该图片来自。”。这也是hot linking比较不错且有意思的解决办法了!
’’选择哪个?’’ 在这种情况下,G2会比较好(自G2.2以来的版本;之前的G2版本不支持递归式的水印添加)。G2支持如此有趣的水印特色,但使用起来却很难。G1的水印特色使用起来很简单,但它们仅限于原始图片而这种局限性对原始图片来说是毁灭性的(无法恢复或取消)。如果使用G1的话,请不要为全尺寸图片添加水印效果,这样当你进行迁移的时候,G2就能够拷贝出一套干净不带水印效果的图片了。


’’选择哪个?’’ 如果你偏好自定性强且美观的评分系统的话,G2更好些。如果你需要用户可定的评分及推选机制的话,G1能满足你的需求。


G1和G2都 fully support alternate languages in menu and navigation items. G1 has an extensive set of languages available already, fully translated and ready to go. G2 is a little worse off in this regard, with only a few translations fully done, more fairly done and a lot that are mostly not done. There's a complete list of G2 translations. Browse to (available in the devel package of G2) to see the status of the completion of all installed translations. Fortunately, all it takes is someone who speaks both languages and has some time. Maybe you could help?
’’选择哪个?’’ If you absolutely need your gallery in a language that G2 doesn’t have available yet, you have to choose G1. If you are one of the lucky 4 or 5 languages that are 98% done, G2 would probably be the better choice. If you have the time to actually do the translations, pick G2 and submit them back to the project!


One important difference between G1 and G2 is multilingual support in albums. In G1, I have been struggling to balance display aesthetics and the need to let my Chinese audience and English audience both feel comfortable. My solution has been to create really concise titles in both languages and display both on the same page. In G2, you can create a title, a description, and other text info for each language. Users of one language do not see (and be confused by) text info you created for another language.
A subtle difference also leaves a big impact on practicality in multi-lingual support. In G1, default installation includes only English. Each additional language module you add will be shown as an additional option in the language drop box. In G2, default installation includes all available languages (at least for "full installation"), so the drop box is always crowded with more than a dozen choices. There is no obvious method to remove any installed language. So if your gallery is designed to support English and Chinese only, your users will have to scroll really hard to switch to the other supported language - and there is no obvious way for a user to determine which languages do you intend to support.
Assume the gallery's default language is Chinese, a French user will likely select French as the alternate language. Now the user will see that although all menu items becomes French, all titles and descriptions are still in Chinese. If this user also reads English, he or she could have obtained more information by switching to English, but he or she is unlikely to try English under this circumstance. Even worse, this user may have even ventured English (UK) and still find all titles and descriptions in Chinese. He or she would be even more discouraged to try another language so all the information you prepared for English (US) would be wasted.
Another subtle difference affects practicality in multi-lingual support. In G1, one can use an explicit URL to force a language selection. In G2, one cannot. Therefore, in G1, you can announce your gallery or album in different languages with a definitive URL that makes sure the audience sees the URL in the language used in the announcement. You cannot do this in G2.
’’选择哪个?’’ If you want true multi-lingual support, G2 is definitely superior. However, if you only plan to add album information in a few of the many supported languages, your effort could be buried in the crowded languages drop list. You also lose the ability to announce a convenient URL to audiences of different languages.


G1 and G2 offer the built in ability to send images to an online photo processing facility, but G1 offers more of them. Currently G1 and G2 both offer the services of PhotoAccess, Shutterfly and Fotokasten. Fotokasten offers services in European countries, which could be important for some users. G1 also offers Fotoserve, and adds a service called mPUSH which allows thumbnail images to be sent to cell phones. Fortunately, due to G2’s module system it is much easier to add new services. It is even possible that a service might develop or commission a module for its service to attract new business! Speaking of which, the service "Digibug" developed their own module which is included in G2.2. This is a very interesting module because it *requires* site owners to register with them and allows the site owner to set their own detailed pricing. The latest addition to Gallery 2 printing modules list is SnapGalaxy - they provide local (USA & India) as well as worldwide shipping.
’’选择哪个?’’ From release G2.2 (and probably G2.1), the number of photo printing services in G1 and G2 are virtual identical. If you take into account the Digibug service for G2 which is extremely flexible, the favor definitely falls to G2.


For many people, this will not be a concern due to the fact that they are in a shared hosting environment where they either don't know what their hardware is or have no choice in how powerful it is. Paid shared hosting environments are likely to have much more powerful servers than an individual would have, but they may also tend to be more loaded due to the sheer number of users involved. This is a hard section to write because it can depend on so many variables, but to sum it up before we start: G1 will be more appropriate for "low end" hardware, but of course both will work better as the system increases in power.
The two main aspects of any system are CPU speed and amount of RAM. Generally, since G1 uses a file-based system for metadata, you will need more and more RAM as your gallery and number of images in an album grows. Things in G1 that will increase the amount of RAM needed are the search, stats and block random features. Moving images and albums can also cause high RAM usage, especially when there are lots of sub-albums. This is because it has to build the sub-album list in memory by parsing lots of data files that have to be stored in memory. The only main point when G1 will use CPU is for resizing and building thumbs, but it's likely that you won't really care about this.
G2 should work better in lower RAM environments because the database backend is doing all the grunt work of presenting statistical data, *and* this is what a database is made to do. G2 will benefit more from CPU speed, mainly because the database and abundance of php code will need it. G2 can also build thumbs/sizes on the fly (as well as at upload), so the *initial* load of an album or resized image can take longer as G2 creates the thumb/resized image, so CPU speed will come into play here.
Let's try and apply some numbers, but keep in mind they will be very general and your specific results could vary widely. I would suggest anything below ~800MHz with ~256Mb RAM as "low end", ~800MHz - ~1.5GHz with 512Mb RAM as "middle" and ~1.5GHz+ with 1Gb+ RAM as "high end". These are just rough guesses. The amount of actual traffic will have a pretty big effect on your requirements as you climb into the big time. G1 and G2 should both run on any of these, but G1 will almost certainly have the edge at the low end. At the middle, it will depend a lot on your specific requirements and at the high end you probably won't notice much of a difference between G1 and G2.
’’选择哪个?’’ If you have a really low end system, you will almost certainly want G1. Installing a php accelerator like eAccelerator can help a lot for any system though. Try both, and if one drastically outperforms the other pick it. Just keep in mind that G2 will scale to a huge number of images and users without requiring much more RAM, but G1 will choke at some point for sure.


This section contains some items that are hard to categorize or would yield a very small category. It is mostly features that one or the other does not contain at all which might be of interest.
The main features that G1 has that G2 does not that cannot be categorized are email notification of changes and mirroring. On the G2 side, there are quite a few more. Of major note is the module system that makes G2 so flexible. Pretty much any idea can be developed as a module and then used in G2 with no hard work required, simply unzip the module in the modules directory and turn it on via the web interface. G1 also features RSS feed support and this is not included in the current final release of G2, but it was a Google Summer of Code project that went very well and will be available shortly after release (I have it installed now!).
Some of these unique modules include captcha, maps, quotas, user albums, shopping cart, zip download and random highlights.
  • Captcha is the name for a method of using a distorted image of letters to determine if a user is human or a script of some sort. It can be used during registration, when a user attempts to log in with the wrong password too many times, and to prevent anonymous comment spam.
  • The Maps module extracts the GPS coordinates from your images (if your camera supports this) and shows an interactive (Google) map with the positions where the images have been taken.
  • Quotas allow you to limit the amount of space used by a user, assignable on both a per user basis and a per group basis.
  • User albums are the automatic creation of an album for each user in your gallery, useful for easily adding new users to your gallery if you normally give each user their own album.
  • The “shopping cart” (really just “cart”) module allows users to add images to a standard cart. Instead of just being able to buy images though, the cart can be used to allow images to be sent to one of the printing services or even downloaded as a single zip file.
  • Another of the Google Summer of Code projects is a Zen module that uses the gallery cart. Zen is an open source e-commerce application.
’’选择哪个?’’ If you need email notification of changes, G1 is probably the choice for you. If you read the paragraph on G2 features and thought to yourself “Wow, some of these are very interesting and useful!” then G2 should be your choice.


As you read this article, you might have noticed a bias toward G2 over G1. I can’t deny it either, because after switching to G2 myself I am a convert. If this article helped you decide, I am glad no matter what. If you read the whole thing and still haven’t decided, I would strongly suggest G2. It has more active developers and really is situated to take over the world, resistance is futile. My name is Locutus and we are the Borg, prepare for assimilation.


