
Firebrance讨论 | 贡献2008年11月27日 (四) 17:15的版本
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模块创建脚本(Module Creator Script)

该教程将帮助你从零开始创建所有的模块文件。你还可通过命令行运行gallery2目录的php lib/tools/creator/create-module.php来新建模块。

注: 你必须有G2开发者整合包或从svn/nightly snapshot进行安装以获得lib/tools/creator。








在开始之前,你至少需要明白G2的工作方式。比如,当点击边栏中的"成员列表(Member List)"链接是发生什么?

  1. 请求送达main.php,即G2主要的包装脚本。它会看到后置到"main.php"的URL部分,"?g2_view=members.MembersList",然后获知你想载入"members"模块并显示视图"MembersList"(一个视图就是一个动态G2页面)。
  2. "members"模块从modules/members被载入,并被告知显示"MembersList"视图。模块载入一个名为 的文件,它会使用G2 API来联系数据库并准备所有所需信息(membername,id,email等)。
  3. 默认外观主题被载入并被指示显示一个模块页面。在编写模块时你无需为此担忧,只要注意外观主题可以在你的模块内容周围显示东西即可,比如头/尾等。
  4. 对应模板,modules/members/templates/MembersList.tpl,被载入而数据则被传送至此。该模板使用生成一个表格,事项处理就完成了。











此为一PHP文件,它告知各外观主题哪些为可用区块以及针对各区块所需载入的模板文件。该文件并非区块运行所必需的,但能使得这些区块可被外观主题用于"边栏区块(sidebar blocks)"及"相片区块(photo blocks)"等的设定之中。


包含自 所定义区块的模板代码。




















注: 确保PHP能显示语法错误和其他问题。参见:针对Gallery开发者的PHP设定,尤其注意一下gallery2/config.php中的display_errors





modules/tutorial1/           (目录)
modules/tutorial1/ (空文件)





 * Gallery – 基于web的相片相册查看器和编辑器
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Bharat Mediratta
 * 该程序为免费的,你可以对其做修改
 * 受GNU General Public License条款约束
 * 由Free Software Foundation发布;许可的第二版,或者说是
 * 以后的版本。
 * 我们希望该应用程序能有用处,但
 * 不打包票;也不能保证其
 * 适销性或针对特殊目的的适用性。更多信息请参见GNU
 * General Public License。
 * 在获取此程序的同时,你应当也收到了
* GNU General Public License;如果没有的话,请联系Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


 * Tutorial1 module
 * My first module!
 * @package Tutorial1
 * @author Your Name <>
 * @version $Revision$ $Date: 2006/01/02 07:58:13 $


class Tutorial1Module extends GalleryModule {


    function Tutorial1Module() {
        global $gallery;

        $this->setName($gallery->i18n('Tutorial Module 1'));
        $this->setDescription($gallery->i18n('My first module.'));
        $this->setGroup('data', $gallery->i18n('Extra Data'));
        $this->setRequiredCoreApi(array(7, 10));
        $this->setRequiredModuleApi(array(3, 2));


我们的RequiredCoreApiRequiredModuleApi版本必须符合G2所提供的版本,不然的话就会造成破坏。你想知道G2最新的API版本?检查G2 Team的某个模块并使用它的版本号。这里我们会使用CoreAPI v 7.10和ModuleAPI v 3.2。

注: Gallery 2.3模块会在构建式里多出一行:

        $this->_templateVersion = 1;
Gallery 2.3的外观主题可以覆盖模块的tpl文件。当模块新版本发布时请注意增加此数字,因为其在tpl文件中的修改无法与旧版本兼容。外观主题覆盖仅当模板版本相符时才能使用。注意,如果某人安装了Gallery2.2.x或更早版本的模块,而此方法不存在时,模块构建式中的此代码就不会使用$this->setTemplateVersion(1)。模块构建式中的PHP错误将会妨碍Gallery API的版本检查。





祝贺你,你已经编写完成了第一个G2模块!但目前你的模块还无法实际使用。如果不启用功能的话,就没有任何用处;所以,如果没有问题的话,你可以登入站点管理界面,点击插件(Plugins),下拉到额外数据(Extra Data)部分,然后安装并激活(在此还可以进行禁用和卸载)你的模块。很有意思,是不?












* Gallery – 基于web的相片相册查看器和编辑器
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Bharat Mediratta
 * 该程序为免费的,你可以对其做修改
 * 受GNU General Public License条款约束
 * 由Free Software Foundation发布;许可的第二版,或者说是
 * 以后的版本。
 * 我们希望该应用程序能有用处,但
 * 不打包票;也不能保证其
 * 适销性或针对特殊目的的适用性。更多信息请参见GNU
 * General Public License。
 * 在获取此程序的同时,你应当也收到了
* GNU General Public License;如果没有的话,请联系Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


 * 该视图显示一个静态页面。
 * @package Tutorial2
 * @subpackage UserInterface
 * @author Your Name <>
 * @version $Revision$ $Date: 2006/01/05 07:00:00 $


class MyPageView extends GalleryView {


     * @see GalleryView::loadTemplate
    function loadTemplate(&$template, &$form) {
        global $gallery;



        list ($ret, $albumId) = GalleryCoreApi::getDefaultAlbumId();
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret, null);

        list ($ret, $album) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($albumId);
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret, null);
注: 在Gallery 2.1.x中,return array($ret, null);应为return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);


            array('album' => (array)$album, 'showAlbum' => true));



        return array(null,
                     array('body' => 'modules/tutorial2/templates/MyPage.tpl'));


你是否边栏上的注意到back to ____导航链接了?让我们将此特点整入我们的模块中吧。要达到此目的,我们要创建另一个函数。

     * @see GalleryView::getViewDescription()
    function getViewDescription() {
        list ($ret, $module) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'tutorial2');
        if ($ret) {
            return array($ret, null);

        return array(null, $module->translate('My Page'));

你可以将"My Page"改为你中意的明朝。最后,我们结束该类别以及PHP脚本。





你应该能记得,loadTemplate()函数中的最后一个呼叫是模板的加载。G2使用Smarty模板引擎,这能提供很棒的代码与设计间的分离。 You'll find that you can use standard HTML in the template files, which makes them much easier to edit.

Let's get started.

 * $Revision$
 * 如果你想对此文件进行自定义的话,请勿直接编辑它,因为在将来升级时
 * 会将其覆盖掉。请将其复制到一个名为"local"的新建文件夹中再进行编辑
 * Gallery会首先查找此文件,如果存在的话就会先使用它。
<div class="gbBlock gcBackground1">
  <h2> {g->text text="Look, it's my first page! And it's got a title."} </h2>


另外使用{g->text text="在此输入你的文本"}来输出文本也是个好作法,但这不是必须的。就个人而言,我建议你不这么做,因为这将有可能会使你的模块被翻译成其他语言。


<div class="gbBlock">
  <p class="giDescription">
    {g->text text="Hey, cool! I can write stuff here."}

<div class="gbBlock">   
  <p class="giDescription">
    {g->text text="Look, when I do this G2 makes me a nice little divisor."}
    {if $MyPage.showAlbum}

我希望此模板足以进行自我解释。正如前面提到的,大部分可以使用HTML解决的问题同样可以使用模板引擎来完成。慢慢把玩此模板,直到达到你满意的效果。该文件最高级的部分就是以{if开头那行之上的一点点。这是Smarty使用的语法,从而能够根据情况显示输出。由于我们在模板数据中将"showAlbum"设定为true,因此你应当能在页面中看到根相册的标题。参见 Tpl相关参考中对Smarty功能的简述。



你应当能看到新的静态页面被完美地包裹在G2外观主题和CSS之中。如果你得到了某个访问错误检查,你可以在'Site Admin / Plugins中激活该模块。



Now that you can create a view to display something, let's add an action to that page.


We'll build from your tutorial2 module for this one.


In this file you've already got

    {if $MyPage.showAlbum}

Let's add a form to perform an action.

    {if $MyPage.showAlbum}
      {if isset($status.saved)}
        <div class="giSuccess"> {g->text text="Saved!"} </div>
      {$MyPage.album.title|markup} <br/>
      <form method="POST" action="{g->url}">
        <input type="hidden" name="{g->formVar var="controller"}" value="tutorial2.MyPage"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="{g->formVar var="form[formName]"} value="{$form.formName}"/>
        <input type="text" size="2" name="{g->formVar var="form[char]"}" value="{$form.char}"/>
        {if isset($form.error.char)}
          <div class="giError"> {g->text text="Enter a single character"} </div>
        <input type="submit" class="inputTypeSubmit" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][addChar]"}"
         value="{g->text text="Add to title"}"/>

This creates a form that will send data to a "controller" called tutorial2.MyPage. A view defines a page display, where a controller handles actions for that page. We define the controller also in The g->formVar calls add a prefix ("g2_") to the form fields. This helps avoid conflicts with other applications when G2 is embedded. You can see status messages above for success and error conditions. We'll explain how those are used below.

Note: If you get a ERROR_REQUEST_FORGED, you probably forgot to add {g->hiddenFormVars} to your <form> in the .tpl file.

We already have MyPageView defined. We'll need to add MyPageController, but first let's modify the view to initialize our form. Add the following after global $gallery; in function loadTemplate.

        if ($form['formName'] != 'MyPage') {
            $form['formName'] = 'MyPage';
            $form['char'] = '';

When you first visit your view, $form is empty. So we initialize the form name and an empty value for "char".

Now to our controller. Add this definition just above the class MyPageView line.

class MyPageController extends GalleryController {

     * @see GalleryController::handleRequest
    function handleRequest($form) {

The handleRequest function is called when an action is sent to the tutorial2.MyPage controller. All our form fields had names starting with "form[" so they have been loaded into the $form variable for us. Let's check the form input and perform the action.

        $status = $error = array();
        if (isset($form['action']['addChar'])) {
            if (strlen($form['char']) != 1) {
                $error[] = 'form[error][char]';
            } else {
                list ($ret, $albumId) = GalleryCoreApi::getDefaultAlbumId();
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                $ret = GalleryCoreApi::assertHasItemPermission($albumId, 'core.edit');
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                list ($ret, $lockId) = GalleryCoreApi::acquireWriteLock($albumId);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                list ($ret, $album) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($albumId);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);

                $album->setTitle($album->getTitle() . $form['char']);
                $ret = $album->save();
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                $ret = GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                $status['saved'] = 1;

Several GalleryCoreApi calls here.. basically, if the requested action is "addChar" and a "char" value is given then we verify edit permission on the root album, lock it, load it, modify the title, save the change and release the lock. You can take a look at modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class or the apidoc to see the long list of things you can do with GalleryCoreApi.

If the "char" value was not a single character we set a value in $error. If the action went ok we set a value in $status. Look back at the tpl file to see where we check for these and show the appropriate message.

Next we need to tell G2 what to do now that our action is complete. We'll jump back to our view.

        $method = empty($error) ? 'redirect' : 'delegate';
        $result = array($method => array('view' => 'tutorial2.MyPage'),
                        'status' => $status, 'error' => $error);
        return array(null, $result);

On success we use a redirect back to our view and show the status message. On error we "delegate" back to our view. This means the $form data, even though not saved due to the error condition, is maintained so the user can fix the error and resubmit the form. Not a big deal in our form here with just one field, but this is handy if you filled in several things and just had an error in one.

Finally, close the handleRequest function and the controller class.



Login as a site admin (or other user with permission to edit the root album), browse to your view and try clicking the submit button with various inputs (too short, too long, just right). Click "reload" in your browser after a successful save to see that the status message appears only once.


These are values you can add in the setCallbacks call in Setting a callback means that when the value specified is called, the corresponding function in your module class will be polled.

Example: $this->setCallbacks('getSiteAdminViews|getItemLinks'); (value is a | separated list).

For each entry here, define the function with that name in your module class (apidoc).

  • getSiteAdminViews: Insert links in site administration
  • getItemAdminViews: Insert links for items administration
  • getUserAdminViews: Insert links for user administration
  • getItemLinks: Insert links for items (Edit Photo, Add Comment, etc)
  • getSystemLinks: Links not associated with a particular item (Login, Site Admin, etc)
  • getItemSummaries: Insert summary content about items
  • registerEventListeners: Listen for events to add advanced functionality


In G2 most of the DB interaction is done through helper classes that are generated using a series of tools. This section will discuss the files that are needed, the tools that are needed and the procedures needed to get simple database operations working.

GNUmakefiles are not very important to understand, except that they are the method that all of the generated code is made. To run them you will need 'gmake' or 'make' and commandline PHP.

You will need the following GNUmakefile files. Copy them from another module (like comment) and make any directories that are needed. If our module were named dbExample, the directory structure would look like this:


There are two types of G2 tables:

  1. Entity tables.
    • Entity tables store objects like users, images or comments, and have a matching PHP file in the module's classes directory. As you might guess, an image would have different fields (path, name, description, etc.) than a comment (subject, commentorId, comment, etc.). Consequently, they are both entities even though their data reside in different tables.
  2. Map tables
    • Map tables contain any other data a module may need to store.

Entities are defined with a PHP class. See modules/comment/classes/GalleryComment.class as an example. Comments with @g2 tags define the database structure. Important parts of this file include:

  • Comment at the top with @g2 tags to define class-name, parent-class-name and version number for the table.
  • GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce call to load the parent class
  • class EntityName extends ParentClass
  • var definitions for each data field of the entity, each with a comment above it to define that field with @g2 tags.
  • The class must define get/set functions for all its data fields.

Maps are defined in classes/Maps.xml. See modules/customfield/classes/Maps.xml as an example. The structure of the table is defined in XML.

The DTDs for entity/map definitions are in lib/tools/dtd so you can see the available options for table/column definitions.

Once the entity and/or map definitions are ready, go to the command line, change into the classes directory and do make (or gmake). This will build the following files:

  • classes/GalleryStorage/schema.tpl and
  • classes/ and/or
  • classes/

To use an entity you must register it (see function performFactoryRegistrations() in modules/comment/ You can then use GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstance to create an instance, $entity->create() to initialize it and $entity->save() to save it. GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById loads entities.

Use these Core APIs to interact with maps:

  • GalleryCoreApi

In Gallery 2.2+ you can use GalleryCoreApi::getMapEntry; prior to this you must use $gallery->search and provide a SQL query for your map. akes them much easier to edit.

Let's get started.

 * $Revision$
 * 如果你想对此文件进行自定义的话,请勿直接编辑它,因为在将来升级时
 * 会将其覆盖掉。请将其复制到一个名为"local"的新建文件夹中再进行编辑
 * Gallery会首先查找此文件,如果存在的话就会先使用它。
<div class="gbBlock gcBackground1">
  <h2> {g->text text="Look, it's my first page! And it's got a title."} </h2>


另外使用{g->text text="在此输入你的文本"}来输出文本也是个好作法,但这不是必须的。就个人而言,我建议你不这么做,因为这将有可能会使你的模块被翻译成其他语言。


<div class="gbBlock">
  <p class="giDescription">
    {g->text text="Hey, cool! I can write stuff here."}

<div class="gbBlock">   
  <p class="giDescription">
    {g->text text="Look, when I do this G2 makes me a nice little divisor."}
    {if $MyPage.showAlbum}

我希望此模板足以进行自我解释。正如前面提到的,大部分可以使用HTML解决的问题同样可以使用模板引擎来完成。慢慢把玩此模板,直到达到你满意的效果。该文件最高级的部分就是以{if开头那行之上的一点点。这是Smarty使用的语法,从而能够根据情况显示输出。由于我们在模板数据中将"showAlbum"设定为true,因此你应当能在页面中看到根相册的标题。参见 Tpl相关参考中对Smarty功能的简述。



你应当能看到新的静态页面被完美地包裹在G2外观主题和CSS之中。如果你得到了某个访问错误检查,你可以在'Site Admin / Plugins中激活该模块。



Now that you can create a view to display something, let's add an action to that page.


We'll build from your tutorial2 module for this one.


In this file you've already got

    {if $MyPage.showAlbum}

Let's add a form to perform an action.

    {if $MyPage.showAlbum}
      {if isset($status.saved)}
        <div class="giSuccess"> {g->text text="Saved!"} </div>
      {$MyPage.album.title|markup} <br/>
      <form method="POST" action="{g->url}">
        <input type="hidden" name="{g->formVar var="controller"}" value="tutorial2.MyPage"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="{g->formVar var="form[formName]"} value="{$form.formName}"/>
        <input type="text" size="2" name="{g->formVar var="form[char]"}" value="{$form.char}"/>
        {if isset($form.error.char)}
          <div class="giError"> {g->text text="Enter a single character"} </div>
        <input type="submit" class="inputTypeSubmit" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][addChar]"}"
         value="{g->text text="Add to title"}"/>

This creates a form that will send data to a "controller" called tutorial2.MyPage. A view defines a page display, where a controller handles actions for that page. We define the controller also in The g->formVar calls add a prefix ("g2_") to the form fields. This helps avoid conflicts with other applications when G2 is embedded. You can see status messages above for success and error conditions. We'll explain how those are used below.

Note: If you get a ERROR_REQUEST_FORGED, you probably forgot to add {g->hiddenFormVars} to your <form> in the .tpl file.

We already have MyPageView defined. We'll need to add MyPageController, but first let's modify the view to initialize our form. Add the following after global $gallery; in function loadTemplate.

        if ($form['formName'] != 'MyPage') {
            $form['formName'] = 'MyPage';
            $form['char'] = '';

When you first visit your view, $form is empty. So we initialize the form name and an empty value for "char".

Now to our controller. Add this definition just above the class MyPageView line.

class MyPageController extends GalleryController {

     * @see GalleryController::handleRequest
    function handleRequest($form) {

The handleRequest function is called when an action is sent to the tutorial2.MyPage controller. All our form fields had names starting with "form[" so they have been loaded into the $form variable for us. Let's check the form input and perform the action.

        $status = $error = array();
        if (isset($form['action']['addChar'])) {
            if (strlen($form['char']) != 1) {
                $error[] = 'form[error][char]';
            } else {
                list ($ret, $albumId) = GalleryCoreApi::getDefaultAlbumId();
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                $ret = GalleryCoreApi::assertHasItemPermission($albumId, 'core.edit');
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                list ($ret, $lockId) = GalleryCoreApi::acquireWriteLock($albumId);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                list ($ret, $album) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($albumId);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);

                $album->setTitle($album->getTitle() . $form['char']);
                $ret = $album->save();
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                $ret = GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId);
                if ($ret) {
                    return array($ret, null);
                $status['saved'] = 1;

Several GalleryCoreApi calls here.. basically, if the requested action is "addChar" and a "char" value is given then we verify edit permission on the root album, lock it, load it, modify the title, save the change and release the lock. You can take a look at modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class or the apidoc to see the long list of things you can do with GalleryCoreApi.

If the "char" value was not a single character we set a value in $error. If the action went ok we set a value in $status. Look back at the tpl file to see where we check for these and show the appropriate message.

Next we need to tell G2 what to do now that our action is complete. We'll jump back to our view.

        $method = empty($error) ? 'redirect' : 'delegate';
        $result = array($method => array('view' => 'tutorial2.MyPage'),
                        'status' => $status, 'error' => $error);
        return array(null, $result);

On success we use a redirect back to our view and show the status message. On error we "delegate" back to our view. This means the $form data, even though not saved due to the error condition, is maintained so the user can fix the error and resubmit the form. Not a big deal in our form here with just one field, but this is handy if you filled in several things and just had an error in one.

Finally, close the handleRequest function and the controller class.



Login as a site admin (or other user with permission to edit the root album), browse to your view and try clicking the submit button with various inputs (too short, too long, just right). Click "reload" in your browser after a successful save to see that the status message appears only once.


These are values you can add in the setCallbacks call in Setting a callback means that when the value specified is called, the corresponding function in your module class will be polled.

Example: $this->setCallbacks('getSiteAdminViews|getItemLinks'); (value is a | separated list).

For each entry here, define the function with that name in your module class (apidoc).

  • getSiteAdminViews: Insert links in site administration
  • getItemAdminViews: Insert links for items administration
  • getUserAdminViews: Insert links for user administration
  • getItemLinks: Insert links for items (Edit Photo, Add Comment, etc)
  • getSystemLinks: Links not associated with a particular item (Login, Site Admin, etc)
  • getItemSummaries: Insert summary content about items
  • registerEventListeners: Listen for events to add advanced functionality


In G2 most of the DB interaction is done through helper classes that are generated using a series of tools. This section will discuss the files that are needed, the tools that are needed and the procedures needed to get simple database operations working.

GNUmakefiles are not very important to understand, except that they are the method that all of the generated code is made. To run them you will need 'gmake' or 'make' and commandline PHP.

You will need the following GNUmakefile files. Copy them from another module (like comment) and make any directories that are needed. If our module were named dbExample, the directory structure would look like this:


There are two types of G2 tables:

  1. Entity tables.
    • Entity tables store objects like users, images or comments, and have a matching PHP file in the module's classes directory. As you might guess, an image would have different fields (path, name, description, etc.) than a comment (subject, commentorId, comment, etc.). Consequently, they are both entities even though their data reside in different tables.
  2. Map tables
    • Map tables contain any other data a module may need to store.

Entities are defined with a PHP class. See modules/comment/classes/GalleryComment.class as an example. Comments with @g2 tags define the database structure. Important parts of this file include:

  • Comment at the top with @g2 tags to define class-name, parent-class-name and version number for the table.
  • GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce call to load the parent class
  • class EntityName extends ParentClass
  • var definitions for each data field of the entity, each with a comment above it to define that field with @g2 tags.
  • The class must define get/set functions for all its data fields.

Maps are defined in classes/Maps.xml. See modules/customfield/classes/Maps.xml as an example. The structure of the table is defined in XML.

The DTDs for entity/map definitions are in lib/tools/dtd so you can see the available options for table/column definitions.

Once the entity and/or map definitions are ready, go to the command line, change into the classes directory and do make (or gmake). This will build the following files:

  • classes/GalleryStorage/schema.tpl and
  • classes/ and/or
  • classes/

To use an entity you must register it (see function performFactoryRegistrations() in modules/comment/ You can then use GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstance to create an instance, $entity->create() to initialize it and $entity->save() to save it. GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById loads entities.

Use these Core APIs to interact with maps:

  • GalleryCoreApi

In Gallery 2.2+ you can use GalleryCoreApi::getMapEntry; prior to this you must use $gallery->search and provide a SQL query for your map.