WordPress:Writing Posts

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  1. 登录到你的 WordPress 管理面板.
  2. 选择面板。
  3. 开始填写空白处。
  4. 当你写好了,点击发表


写一篇文章 – 一步步的


[[WordPress:|right|thumb|WordPress 管理 选项 写面板]]

WordPress有两个文章编辑模式,基本的高级的. 通常情况下,写新文章的默认模式是基本模式,但是通过在管理面板选项中的写作 选项 子面板上的选项开始一篇文章时,可以更改默认的基本模式。我们要先带你去基本的文章界面,然后再去高级的文章界面。


标题:标题使你输入文章标题的地方。你可以使用任何的单词或短语。你可以使用逗号,省略号,连字号/破折号,以及其它的典型的符号,例如文章"My Site - Here's Lookin' at You, Kid"中出现的标点符号。链接到文章时,WordPress会将它清除,称为文章缩略名自动生成

right|thumb|WordPress 管理 写文章 基本面板

讨论:The 讨论部分托管两个检查框的选择。一个是允许评论 ,另一个是允许 Pings。如果没有选中允许评论,没有人能够对一篇特别的文章发表评论。如果没有选中允许 Pings,没有人能在这篇特别的文章上发表pingbacks或者trackbacks。
摘录:An 摘录是你的文章的摘要,或者主要大纲,出现在你的站点的首页上,目录,档案上以及搜索的非唯一的文章网页。WordPress以两种方式来处理文章摘录。一种是通过一个清楚的目录另一种是通过使用Quicktag按钮更多。如果你想要一个文章的摘要,而不是文章的第一段什么的,在摘录区写上你的文章的摘要。
文章编辑区:大的空白框是你输入你的文章,链接,图像链接,和任何你想在站点上显示的内容的地方,叫做文章编辑区 或者编辑框
保存与继续编辑:在文章编辑框的下面有三个按钮。第一个是保存并继续编辑。如果你向将文章保存到你的数据库中,但是仍然编辑文章,就点击这个按钮。在下面的预览界面上,你能看到你的文章。使用这个按钮,只有在下面的文章地位 区中的发表框被选中时,文章才得到发表。


除了基本的编辑界面内容以外,用高级文章编辑界面时,还可以看到以下的内容。 right|thumb|WordPress 管理 写文章高级面板 – 网页顶端

文章地位:在文章地位部分有三个选择草稿, 发表, 和秘密的。将文章以草稿形式保存,选择草稿。点击保存时,发表文章,选择发表。将文章保存为私人的,点击秘密
文章缩略名自动生成:如果你正使用Permalinks,WordPress会在这儿"整理"你的文章标题来创建一个链接。逗号,引号,省略号和其它的HTML不支持的字符会改变,每个单词之间会出现一个破折号。如果你的标题是"My Site - Here's Lookin' at You, Kid",它会被整理为"my-site-heres-lookin-at-you-kid"来作为标题。你可以动手来更改这个,将它缩减为"my-site-lookin-at-you-kid".

right|thumb|WordPress 管理 写文章高级面板 – 网页的底部 ;编辑时间:在默认情况下,文章保存的时间便是文章放进数据库的时间。要改变这一点,点击检查框,改变日期与时间信息。所有设置在未来日期的文章,只有时间过了以后,文章才会出现在站点上。如果你想让写的文章自动的在你定的时间出现,在这儿设置日期与时间。


The WordPress Bookmarklet

WordPress Bookmarklet

At the very bottom of your Write Post screen is a buried treasure feature of WordPress that is a powerful tool. The WordPress Press It bookmarklet is a bit of Javascript you can click and drag to your browser link bar. Just put your mouse over the link, press down on the left button and, without letting go, drag it to the top menu bar of your browser (most browsers) where the "Link Toolbar" resides and release it. It will add a link that says "Press It" and the name of your WordPress site.

在你的写文章界面的最底层,是WordPress一个隐藏的珍贵特色,一个强大的工具。WordPress按住 它bookmarklet是一点的Javascript,你可以点击它,并把它拖到你的浏览器链接条上。将你的鼠标放到链接上,按下左边的按钮,不要松开,将它拖到你的浏览器(大多数浏览器)的高层菜单条上,也就是"链接 工具栏"的位置,然后将它松开。它会添加一个称为"按住它"的链接和你的WordPress站点名。

When visiting a web page that has information you would like to share with your WordPress site users, click the Press It link and a window will pop-up. If you are not logged into your site, the login will appear. If you are, it will automatically bring up the Write Post screen with the link to the site you are currently viewing already set in the Post Editing box and the title of the site in your post Title box. You can write more information about the site, change the title, set the categories, and when you are ready, choose Save as Draft, Save as Private, and Publish. Choose Publish and your post is published to your site, ready for the world to see and read. Simple and easy.

当你访问一个网页,这个网页上的一些信息,你想与你的WordPress站点用户一起分享它,点击按住它链接,一个窗口就会弹出来。如果你还没有登录到你的站点,就会出现一个登录框。如果你已经登录到了你的站点,就会自动地弹出写文章界面,和已经在文章编辑 框中设置好的你目前访问的站点链接,以及你的文章标题 框中的站点标题。你可以编写更多的关于站点,改变标题,设置种类的信息,当你写好了以后,选择以草稿保存, 以私人文章保存,和发表。选择发表你的文章变发表到你的站点上,全世界的人都可阅读。简单容易。

Tips For Posting


You can say or show the world anything you like on your WordPress site. Here are some tips you need to know to help you write your posts in WordPress.


Excerpts vs More
If you have changed the index.php template file to display the Excerpt instead of the full Content of a post, WordPress will automatically use the first 55 words of your post as the Excerpt or up until the use of the More Quicktag mark. If you use an Explicit Excerpt, this will be used no matter what.


Practice Accessibility
To be compliant with web standards for accessibility, be sure to include ALT and TITLE descriptions on links and images to help your users, such as <a title="WordPress Codex" href="http://codex.wordpress.org/">WordPress Codex</a>.

;实践 可访问性:必须符合网络的 可访问性标准,确定有ALT和TITLE对链接和图像的描述,来帮助你的用户,例如<a title="WordPress Codex" href="http://codex.wordpress.org/">WordPress Codex</a>.

Use Paragraphs
No one likes to read writing that never pauses for a line break. To break your writing up into paragraphs, use double spaces between your paragraphs. WordPress will automatically detect these and insert <p> HTML paragraph tags into your writing.

;使用段落:没有人喜欢读一个行不行之间从不停顿的作品。在你的段落之间使用两行间距,将你的作品分成一些段落。WordPress会自动地将这些删除,并且在你的作品中插入<p> HTML段落标签。

Using Headings
If you are writing long posts, break up the sections by using headings, small titles to highlight a change of subject. In HTML, headings are set by the use of h1, h2, h3, h4, and so on. By default, most WordPress Themes use the first, second, and sometimes third heading levels within the site. You can use h4 to set your own headings. Simply type in:
<h4>Subtitle of Section</h4>

使用标题:如果你写一篇很长的文章,通过使用标题,将文章划分为一些部分,用小标题来突出主题的改变。在HTML中,通过使用h1, h2, h3, h4,等等,可以设置标题。在默认情况下,大多数WordPress主题在站点里使用第一,第二,有时甚至是第三级标题。你可以使用h4来设置你自己的标题。只要输进:

<h4>Subtitle of Section</h4>
with double lines before and after and WordPress will make that title a headline in your post. To style the heading, add it to your style.css style sheet file. For more information on styling headings, check out WordPress:Designing Headings.


You don't have to use HTML when writing your posts. WordPress will automatically add it to your site, but if you do want control over different elements like boxes, headings, and other additional containers or elements, use HTML.


Spell Check and Proof
There are spell check WordPress:Plugins available, but even those can't check for everything. Some serious writers will write their posts in a text editor with spell check, check all the spelling and proof it thoroughly before copying and pasting into WordPress.
Think before you post
Ranting on blogs is commonplace today, but take a moment and think about what you are writing. Remember, once it is out there, it can be seen by many and crawled by search engines; and taking things back is harder once it is public. Take a moment to read what you've written before hitting the Publish button. When you are ready, share it with the world.


Write about what you like
You’ve heard this a thousand times before and it sounds too cliched, but it is true. If you force yourself to write something that you don’t really enjoy, it will show. Perhaps you might not have a specific theme for writing when you just start, but that’s ok. You’ll become more focused later. Just enjoy the experience and write what you like.


Write frequently
Write as frequently as you can, may be even more than twice a day, but don’t let quantity get in the way of quality. Your viewers come for content, don’t give them useless stuff.


Don’t use too much slang
Not all the readers will be from your part of the world so make sure people can understand easily.


Don't hide your emotions
Tempting as it might be, don’t hide your real emotions. After all that is what a blog is about. If you want, you can stay anonymous and voice your feelings on whatever you are passionate about. You might have strong views on various subjects but let your readers know your passion. What is passion worth if you can’t even share it? You’ll actually love the discussions it can lead to. The discussions will broaden your own thinking and you might end up making some really good friends.


Consider your readers
Perhaps this sounds weird, but consider who needs to know about your blog before you tell them about your new blogging hobby. Will you be able to write freely if you tell them? How much should you let your readers know about you? Is it ok if your boss or girlfriend reads your posts? If you don’t want them to read, take anonymity measures accordingly.


Make use of comments
Comments let people share their ideas. Sometimes, they might not be good, but you can ask such people to shut up. Most of the times, they will and if they don’t you can delete their comments. Blogging like real life, can be both fun and not so fun at times. Be prepared. Also, give your people a place to contact you in private if they want to write to you.


Worry about blog design later
Blog design matters, but only to an extent. Don’t give up on blogging just because the design isn’t coming up as you’ll like it it to be. Sooner or later, you’ll get around the design problems with ease. But continue writing. Content is what attracts your readers, not just the look of your blog.


Don’t play too safe
Talk about the real you. Readers aren’t impressed by how big your house is, which cool club you belong to, or what the weather is in your hometown. Don’t be a bore and put a long post on how you fixed the leaking tap in minutes. Readers don’t care about braggers, they care about the real you--how you feel, what gets you excited, why you are the person you are. But if achievements are all that you can talk about, you will bore your readers.


Use pictures and videos
They make the pages colorful and viewers get to see a little of your part of the world. They feel connected.


Keep writing
Don’t stop blogging. If you don’t have anything to write about, chances are, you are still holding back. Let loose. Perhaps surf more blogs and maybe you’ll get an idea. You can write about your friends, complain about your boss, or simply rant about what’s gone wrong. Yet if nothing else works, just write a review on the latest movie, book, or product. Easy actually.


Save your posts
Save your posts before you press the publish button. Anything can happen with your computer or with an internet connection. You don’t need to lose your post.


More Information and Resources
