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注意: 有些虚拟主机供应商提供Gallery2的一键安装。直接通过网站里的管理面板进行一键安装,将省去你不少的麻烦。目前已知以下的自动安装程序:




你可以参考这个手把手安装向导来看看如何将Apple Mac建成一个WEB服务器。


如果你没有一个固定的IP地址或是动态DNS (dnydns)账户的话,那么只有你自己和你所在局域网内的计算机用户可以访问你的Gallery,而任何使用Internet的计算机用户则无法访问你的Gallery。我们假设你具有一个固定的IP地址/dyndns账户或者你只希望通过局域网访问Gallery2。




如果你希望在你的电脑或服务器中安装Gallery2的话,我们推荐linux / *BSD作为操作系统。因为这些就是我们所使用的开发平台,而大多数的专业虚拟主机供应商都使用它们作为平台。其他的操作系统当然也是支持的。Linux则有很多发布版本。极度推荐DebianGentoo,因为这二者很完善并且稳定,很适合服务器应用程序;不止如此,它们还包括有不俗的整合包管理器,可以帮助你解决依赖性方面的问题。在这样的linux发布版本中安装一个WEB服务器不会难过于输入"emerge apache2"或"apt-get install apache"这样的命令。




Gallery 2主要是由MySQL发展而来的,但在PostgreSQLDB2中也能很好地运行。Gallery2没有在Oracle下经过很好的测试。你可以在MySQL中看到很好的性能表现,这也是因为我们使用MySQL的内置函数,从而我们可以在其它的数据库中使用用户定义的函数进行模仿。


可从php.net获取预编译的PHP二进制代码或完整的源代码。如果你自己進行編譯,記得將數據庫支持編譯到PHP中(比如如果你使用MySQL就是--with-mysql= ... and --with-mysql-sock=... )。 如果需要翻譯/多語言支持的話,你就需要gettext。還有更多的PHP編譯選項/擴展(如PCRE)為Gallery2所必須的,或者在其他方面也有用處。如果你依賴于GD(一個內置于PHP的圖像工具包)而非外部工具的話(imagemagick,netpbm和graphicsmagick),那么請記住在PHP編譯選項中添加所有的圖片格式(--with-jpeg=... , --with-png=...等)。編譯PHP是其自身的話題。Gentoo,Debian...將會使用單個命令來為你進行配置和編譯。你能找到有關此話題的很多教程和指導,以及有關webserver,mysql和PHP的話題。

Preparing to install

1. Latest Version - There are four ways to get the code.

  • Tarball - You can download a prepackaged file as a tarball or a zip file from SourceForge.
  • Pre-Installer - If you only have FTP access to your webserver and don't have the option to extract zip or tar files directly on the server, you should give the Gallery 2 Pre-Installer a try. It transfers the archive directly to your webserver and extracts it for you.
  • Nightly Snapshot - You can download a tarball or zip file with a snapshot of the most recent code. Find links to these on the Gallery Download Page.
  • Subversion - This is a better way to get the latest code, but it’s for advanced users. Follow the Subversion instructions to obtain the latest Gallery 2 code. It’s easier to stay up to date with this method since you can run one command and get the latest code at any time.

2. Storage - Create a directory for gallery to store photos. This must be writeable by the web server, but for security reasons we suggest that you do not put it in the web root. If you put it in the web root, then anybody can get directly to your images with their web browser which circumvents Gallery 2’s security.

Unix Example

$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir g2data
$ chmod 777 g2data

Windows Example

C:\> mkdir g2data

In the Unix example, you may note that modes of 777 on your g2data directory are not all that secure. However, making it more secure depends on how your system is configured. Talk with your system administrator about ways to change the permissions on that directory to make it so that Gallery can still write to the files but that others can’t.

3. Database - Right now we support MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, Oracle and MS SQL Server. MySQL is generally faster than PostgreSQL. We require you to create the database yourself. In our examples below, we’ll be creating a database called gallery2. You can use any database name that you choose.

Grant all required privileges to your database user. This includes but is not confined to: CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE in the gallery2 database; SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on all (gallery2) tables in the gallery2 database; CREATE INDEX and some other privileges that are specific to the different database management systems. CREATE/DROP DATABASE and the ability to GRANT privileges to other database users are not required.

MySQL Instructions

$ mysqladmin -uroot create gallery2
$ mysql gallery2 -uroot -e"GRANT ALL ON gallery2.* TO username@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'"
  • Choose your own username and password
  • If MySQL denies you access, try adding "-p" right after "-uroot" in each command

PostgreSQL Instructions

$ createdb gallery2 -E UNICODE

If it complains that UNICODE is not a valid encoding name, then try:

$ createdb gallery2 -E SQL_ASCII

If it complains about that, too then try:

$ createdb gallery2

On Windows 2003 Server (and maybe on other versions too) you have to write the database name at the end of the command:

C:\> createdb -E UNICODE gallery2

Oracle Instructions

$ create database gallery2 {additional parameters};

DB2 Instructions


4. Graphics Toolkits - Gallery 2 works with NetPBM, ImageMagick, GD or GraphicsMagick. They’re all almost equally good, though some say that NetPBM has slightly better quality and that ImageMagick is slightly faster than NetPBM. GD cannot do image rotation. GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick are very similar. GD can be very fast, but it will also use a lot of memory so it may cause you to run into predefined server limits. It is also compiled into PHP by default if your PHP is 4.3.0 or more recent, however it may not have support for all image types (e.g. it might not have JPEG support). If the binaries for NetPBM and ImageMagick are installed in default, or standard, locations then Gallery 2 will auto-detect them during installation. It won’t cause any harm to enable all of these toolkits—in fact you’ll get the widest file type support if you do so.

Installing Gallery 2

Gallery 2 is a web application and must be installed on your web server in order for you to use it. If you've unpacked it on your desktop, you will have to upload it to your server as part of the install process. Then you can configure it using your web browser.

1. Upload - Copy the Gallery 2 files to a directory on your webserver. There are several alternatives for this step:

  • Fastest way: Upload the gallery package to your web server archive via FTP or another method, then unpack it using an interactive shell session (eg. ssh or telnet). Example unpacking commands (choose the appropriate one):

For .tar.gz archives

$ tar xzf gallery2.tar.gz

For zip archives

$ unzip

If you do not have shell access, you can ask your provider to do it for you, or you can make a miniature PHP script containing one of the above commands like this:

PHP code for opening .tar.gz archive

$output = shell_exec('tar xzf gallery-2.0.2-full.tar.gz');

Some webhosting companies offer a control panel with a web file-browser which is capable of extracting / unarchiving archive files. It’s worth a try to check if this option is available.

  • Easiest (but slowest) way: If you don't have shell access, you can upload the complete contents of the Gallery 2 archive to the webserver with an FTP program. This may take a lot of time and be error-prone. In this case, pay special attention to the ’System Checks’ step of the installer and make sure that there are no missing or modified files. Consider using a smart FTP program like FileZilla to make sure that your transfer goes smoothly.
  • Advanced way: Subversion

Note: After uploading, you should close this version of the README and browse to the version that you just uploaded.

That way all the links in this document will point to the right places in your Gallery 2 install.

2. Begin Installing - Open up your web browser and browse to the install directory. Gallery 2 will walk you through the process of validating that your system is properly configured and will set everything up for you. img:12903

3. Authenticate - You will be asked to create and save a small text file in order to authenticate. You may not proceed until you do this. That’s how Gallery 2 knows that you’re authorized to use the installer. img:12908

4. System Checks - The installer checks your system to make sure that it will support Gallery 2. Make sure that all checks are successful! img:12914

5. Installation Type - Gallery can support multiple independent sites with a single installation of the code. Here you will select a standard single install or the location of a new multisite install. There is more information about multisite in the Gallery Codex. img:12917

6. Storage Setup - Read the instructions on the installer to set up a storage location for Gallery 2. This is where Gallery 2 will store all of your images, as well as other cache information. img:12920

7. Database Setup - Select your database type and enter your database authentication information. If this is not your first Gallery 2 installation and there are still some remains of the old installation, it will check the state of the installed version and offer a clean install option which will delete all your data in the storage directory and in the database. If the installed version seems to be fine, it will also offer to reuse the existing database tables. Select this option if you did not start the installer with the intent to start from scratch. img:12926

8. Admin User Setup - You are prompted for an administrator username and password. Type in a password and type it again to validate it. The full name and the email address are optional. But entering an email address is highly recommended. Once you’re finished, click ’Create’ to create the admin user for this installation of Gallery 2. img:12932

9. Create Config File - Gallery 2 will create the config.php file in your Gallery 2 directory. This contains all the answers you’ve provided in the installer and is necessary for Gallery 2 to function properly. At this point, there’s also a sanity check to prevent you from damaging your Gallery install by running the installer when you should rather have started the upgrader. img:12938

10. Install the Core module - Here’s where we create all the database tables and initial users and albums to get you started. Unless something goes wrong, there’s nothing for you to do here. img:12944

11. Install other modules - Gallery 2 has lots of different modules that provide useful functionality. Choose which ones you want to use. You can always go to the Site Admin page later on to install, activate, deactivate or uninstall modules, so it’s ok to experiment here. img:12947

12. Check Security - Gallery 2 walks you through the process of locking down your new config.php. img:12959

13. Finished! - Congratulations! You have successfully installed Gallery 2! img:12965

Get Notified About Updates

It is highly recommended to subscribe to the announcements mailing list to get notified about Gallery updates. We keep this mailing list very low volume to ensure that you only get notified about important announcements like security patch releases.

Installing Modules with External Dependencies

Gallery 2 has also modules that depend on external binaries. These modules won't work if the binaries they depend upon are not installed on the webserver. Under this category of modules fall the imagemagick and the netpbm module which are responsible for generating small preview images (so called thumbnails) and resized versions of your images.

If Gallery 2 failed to install and activate modules like imagemagick, netpbm, or zipcart, then it failed to automatically detect the presence and location of the required external binaries. Most probably, this means that your server doesn't provide the necessary binaries to use these Gallery 2 modules.

See Installing Modules With External Dependencies for further information.