Gallery: Modules:imagenotes:UseCases:修订间差异

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(新页面: ==Use cases== ;Simple text image tagging: * A user wants to annotate an image by tagging parts of the image that represent the faces of his/her friends. When someone views the image the ...)
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==Use cases==

;Simple text image tagging:
* A user wants to annotate an image by tagging parts of the image that represent the faces of his/her friends. When someone views the image the tags are drawn over the image and by hovering over the tag the image region that represents it is highlighted. It is already known which tags the user has used before, which tags have been used in the album and tags already attached to the image, so a list of suggestions for tags is available for choosing from.(The tags suggestion system can also hook into external systems to get relevant suggestions)
* 用户希望通过标记图片上友人面部区域来对图片进行批注。当某人查看该图片时,标记就会被拉至图片,将鼠标悬停于代表图片区域的标记之上时就会变成高亮效果。已知用户曾使用过的标记,已用于相册的标记以及已连接到图片的标记,因此会有一个含有推荐使用标记的列表以供选取。(标记推荐系统还可以挂入外部系统以获取合适的标记)
* Someone who doesn't have permission to annotate images recognises someone in a photograph and wants to suggest that an annotation is created. Just like creating an actual annotation the user creates a 'suggestion' for an image regon and tag annotation. A user with sufficient priviledges will be able to view all pending suggestions (possibly even notified via e-mail) and accept or reject the suggestion. In the meantime, the user that created the suggestion can modify their suggestion, until the point the suggestion is accepted (how does this work with anonymous users?).
* 不具图片批注权限的用户可能会在某张相片中认出某个人来,并希望有关此人的批注能够被创建。如批注的实际创建一样,用户针对某图片区域给出'建议'并标记该批注。然后具有足够权限的用户能够查看所有处理中的建议(甚至可以通过邮件告知的方式),接着针对这些建议作出取舍。同时,创建建议的用户可以对建议进行修改,直到建议被接受为止(那么对于匿名用户又如何呢?。
*: If the suggestion is rejected the user who created it is somehow notified, maybe when they go to view their suggestions or maybe by e-mail.
*: 如果建议被否决的话,创建该建议的用户会以某种形式接到通知,可以是查看建议时或是通过邮件告知。
* Someone who doesn't have priviledge notices that an image tag is incorrect. They suggest an ammendment, which can be accepted or rejected by a user with sufficient priviledge.
* 不具足够权限的其他人如果看到某个图片标记不正确,就可以提出要求修改,然后具有足够权限的用户可以对修改请求作出决定。
* A user has some friends defined within an online social networking program and wants to tag their faces within G2 pictures, then have the social networking program (and their friends) informed about this.
* 某用户在某在线社交网络程序中结识了一些朋友,并希望在G2相片中为这些朋友进行标记,然后让社交网络程序(以及朋友)得知这一消息。
* A user wants to search for when a couple of their friends are in the same image together.
* 某用户希望搜索同一张图片中同时出现一组友人。
* A user wants to search for images of a friends face where their face takes up most of the image.
* 某用户希望搜索某友人面部占据图片大部分空间的图片。
* A user wants to search for pictures where none of their friends in the image are blinking.
* 某用户希望搜索朋友都不在眨眼时摄下的图片。

;Objective image tagging:
* A user wants to specify properties of an object in the image, that may later be used for search purposes.
* 某用户希望对图片中某对象属性进行定义,以便搜索之用。
*: This is an extension of the idea of applying a single tag. A tag defines an instance of a class and that class in turn has a number of attributes that could be set for an image. For instance, if a person is tagged, that person could be looking in a certain direction, smiling and winking. That person may own certain clothes and in the image they may be wearing certain of those.
*: 使用单个标记想法的拓展。某标记定义某类别的一个实例,而该类别具有的一组属性可以针对某相片进行设定。举个例子,如果某人被标记了,该人可能正看着某个方向,面带微笑并眨着眼。该人可能会穿特定的衣服,而在图片中他就可能穿着这些衣服中的一件。

;Notes about an image region:
* A user wants to annotate an image with notes about a specific region of the image. Notes are more detailed than simple tags and give describtions as to what lies within a certain region of the image. When the image is viewed a user can see a region has been marked up and on giving the region focus (mouse or keyboard) the note relevant to that region will be displayed. The user who creates the annotation can place the annotation and decide if the text is always shown or just when focus is given to the image region.
* 某用户希望使用有关图片特定区域的注释对图片进行批注。注释比简单的标记来说要更详尽,而且可以描述图片某区域的更多信息。当图片被查看时,用户就能看到一个区域被标记,并且在给予区域焦点(鼠标或键盘)时,该区域的相关注释就会显示出来。创建该批注的用户可以定位该批注并决定文本的显示方式--总是显示或图片区域给予焦点时才显示。
* A user wants to search for images with certain text in the image note.
* 某用户希望搜索图片注释中具有特定文本的图片。
* 用户希望使用含有文本的聊天泡泡来为图片增色。用户可以选择让聊天泡泡总是显示或是在特定事件触发时才显示(比如鼠标移至某特定区域时)。而聊天泡泡自身也可以触发其他批注对象相互动的事件(这样就能显示一段聊天内容了)。
* 用户希望查找带有有趣内容的图片。
* 某图片识别程序搜索整个图片数据库并识别面孔及对象。该程序则对图片各类区域作出建议,并提交给具有足够权限查看这些图片的用户。具有权限的用户可以确认图片识别程序的分析并通知程序识别的正确与否;还可以为正确识别结果添加批注,并在识别错误时,告知程序图片区域的实际情况。

;Drawing on/annotating an image:
;Drawing on/annotating an image:

2008年11月20日 (四) 14:32的版本


  • 用户希望通过标记图片上友人面部区域来对图片进行批注。当某人查看该图片时,标记就会被拉至图片,将鼠标悬停于代表图片区域的标记之上时就会变成高亮效果。已知用户曾使用过的标记,已用于相册的标记以及已连接到图片的标记,因此会有一个含有推荐使用标记的列表以供选取。(标记推荐系统还可以挂入外部系统以获取合适的标记)
  • 不具图片批注权限的用户可能会在某张相片中认出某个人来,并希望有关此人的批注能够被创建。如批注的实际创建一样,用户针对某图片区域给出'建议'并标记该批注。然后具有足够权限的用户能够查看所有处理中的建议(甚至可以通过邮件告知的方式),接着针对这些建议作出取舍。同时,创建建议的用户可以对建议进行修改,直到建议被接受为止(那么对于匿名用户又如何呢?。
  • 不具足够权限的其他人如果看到某个图片标记不正确,就可以提出要求修改,然后具有足够权限的用户可以对修改请求作出决定。
  • 某用户在某在线社交网络程序中结识了一些朋友,并希望在G2相片中为这些朋友进行标记,然后让社交网络程序(以及朋友)得知这一消息。
  • 某用户希望搜索同一张图片中同时出现一组友人。
  • 某用户希望搜索某友人面部占据图片大部分空间的图片。
  • 某用户希望搜索朋友都不在眨眼时摄下的图片。
  • 某用户希望对图片中某对象属性进行定义,以便搜索之用。
  • 某用户希望使用有关图片特定区域的注释对图片进行批注。注释比简单的标记来说要更详尽,而且可以描述图片某区域的更多信息。当图片被查看时,用户就能看到一个区域被标记,并且在给予区域焦点(鼠标或键盘)时,该区域的相关注释就会显示出来。创建该批注的用户可以定位该批注并决定文本的显示方式--总是显示或图片区域给予焦点时才显示。
  • 某用户希望搜索图片注释中具有特定文本的图片。
  • 用户希望使用含有文本的聊天泡泡来为图片增色。用户可以选择让聊天泡泡总是显示或是在特定事件触发时才显示(比如鼠标移至某特定区域时)。而聊天泡泡自身也可以触发其他批注对象相互动的事件(这样就能显示一段聊天内容了)。
  • 用户希望查找带有有趣内容的图片。
  • 某图片识别程序搜索整个图片数据库并识别面孔及对象。该程序则对图片各类区域作出建议,并提交给具有足够权限查看这些图片的用户。具有权限的用户可以确认图片识别程序的分析并通知程序识别的正确与否;还可以为正确识别结果添加批注,并在识别错误时,告知程序图片区域的实际情况。


Drawing on/annotating an image
  • A user wants to spice up an image by adding some speech bubbles containing some text. The user can choose to have the speech bubble always displayed or triggered to display on certain events (such as mouseover a certain region). The speech bubble display in itself can trigger other events that react with other annotation objects (so a sequence of speech can be displayed).
  • A user wants to search for images where incredibly witty new things have been drawn on the image.
Image recognition
  • An image recognition program trawls through the image database and recognises some faces and objects. The program makes suggestions on what various regions of the images are to a user with sufficient priviledge to view them. The privilidged user can verify the image recognition programs analysis and choose to notify the program that it's recognition is correct or false, the user can also choose to add annotations based on any correct recognition and notify the program what the actual image area was when recognition was false.