WordPress:WPMU FAQs

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Why would you guys give this away?[ ]

你们为什么以这种方式给予?[ ]

Because we're strong believers in Open Source, and we know that the best things in life are free.


How much code does it share with regular WordPress?[ ]

与一般的WordPress分享多少代码?[ ]

Basically WordPress MU is a wrapper around the core WP code that virtualizes multiple blogs. The code that differs is in some bootstrap files, and administration for multiple blogs and users. It's tough to say exactly what percentage of the total code this comprises, but it'd be safe to say that 95-99% of MU is core WP.

基本而言,WordPress MU是WP核心代码周围的wrapper,虚拟化多个博客。不同的代码在一些bootstrap文件中,而且管理多个博客和用户。很难说,MU包含多大比例的总代码,但是可以肯定地说,95-99%的MU都是核心WP。

Can blogs have multiple authors?[ ]

博客可以拥有多个作者吗?[ ]

You can have unlimited blogs, with unlimited authors on them, and even users who don't have any blogs at all. Users can have different roles (editor, admin, author) on different blogs. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.


Do plugins work?[ ]

插件能够运行吗?[ ]

Plugins work just like in regular WordPress, they can be activated and deactivated on a per-blog level. We have something extra called "mu-plugins" which auto-executes any PHP file in that directory, like plugins that are enabled by default. Most plugins work, but some that modify core tables or create tables of their own in the DB might have difficulties, depending on how they're coded. Best way to find out is to test!


Do themes work?[ ]

主题能够运行吗?[ ]

In theory a theme could work with WP but not MU, but we've never run into one. So yes, all themes work.


Does it support regular domains in addition to sub-domains?[ ]

MU既能够支持一般的域名又能够支持子域名吗?[ ]

Sure, to MU a domain is just a domain. You can configure it to respond to any top-level domains or subdomains.


Can I use Akismet spam protection?[ ]

我能够使用 Akismet 反垃圾广告吗?[ ]

Of course. The latest version of Akismet allows you to hardcode a key into the plugin file and you can put that into your mu-plugins directory to auto-enable it for all your users. However we highly recommend you get at least a Pro-blogger API key for your install and consider the enterprise licenses.

当然能。最新版本的Akismet能够使你将key hardcode进插件文件,你可以将这个插件文件放入你的mu-插件目录,为你所有用户自动激活。然而,我们强烈建议你为你的WU至少获取一个Pro-blogger API key并且考虑企业许可。

What sort of hardware does it need?[ ]

WPMU需要哪种类型的硬件?[ ]

This is a tricky question, it really depends on how many blogs you expect to host, an how many pageviews you expect to get. A single box running both web and MySQL will get you pretty far, probably to about 10-20 thousand blogs. Get something reasonably fast with RAID 5 hard drives. If or when that starts to strain, simply split MySQL and Apache on to one box each, and update the wp-config file as necessary. Always get the best stuff you can afford, and if people are trusting you with their blog make sure to keep backups.

这是个难以回答的问题,这主要取决于你希望托管多少个博客,你希望得到多少个网页浏览。一个既运行网络又运行MySQL的单一的框,大概能够使你运行1到2万个博客。使用RAID 5硬盘会加快速度。如果开始遇到麻烦,只要将MySQL和Apache各自分到一个框,如果需要的话,再更新wp-config文件。总是提供你能够得到的最好的东西,如果人们开始信任你托管他们的博客,确定要备份。

Does it scale? (Also: The way you do your databases and tables doesn't scale!)[ ]

Does it scale? (即:你处理你的数据库和表格的方式doesn't scale!)[ ]

WordPress MU creates tables for each blog, which is the system we found worked best for plugin compatibility and scaling after lots of testing and trial and error. This takes advantage of existing OS-level and MySQL query caches and also makes it infinitely easier to segment user data, which is what all services that grow beyond a single box eventually have to do. We're practical folks, so we'll use whatever works best, and for the 400k and counting on WordPress.com, MU has been a champ.

WordPress MU为每个博客创建表格,经过了许多测试和反复试验后,我们发现这样最利于插件兼容性和scaling。这利用了当前的OS-level和MySQL查询储存而且使得分段用户数据变得非常简单,这是不止在一个框中发展的所有服务必须执行的操作。我们都比较实际,因此我们使用运行最好的,and for the 400k and counting on WordPress.com, MU has been a champ.

See also WordPress:How to Scale WPMU

也看看怎样Scale WPMU

I know WordPress, can I develop for WordPress MU?[ ]

我了解WordPress, 我能够开发WordPress MU吗?[ ]

The two are overwhelmingly similar, so if you know one the other should feel pretty comfortable.


Is there an enterprise version?[ ]

有enterprise version吗?[ ]

KnowNow WordPress Enterprise Edition caters to Fortune 500 companies and may be a good fit.

KnowNow WordPress Enterprise Edition适合500个幸运的公司而且很合适。

What if I'm not Fortune 500 and just want commercial support?[ ]

如果我不属于那500个幸运的公司,但是想要商业支持,我应该怎么办?[ ]

If your needs are enterprisey, the Automattic Support Network supports WordPress MU and has all the feel-good enterprise stuff. If that's too expensive, your best bet would probably be finding a WordPress-savvy consultant. Of course, there will always be free support on the forums.

如果你的要求是商业性的,Automattic 支持网络支持WordPress MU以及所有的feel-good enterprise stuff。如果这太贵了,你最好咨询了解WordPress的咨询人员。当然,论坛上经常有免费的支持。

How do you pronounce WordPress MU[ ]

你怎样读WordPress MU[ ]

The popular pronunciation is to say the letters separately, like EM-YEW. The original intention was for the name to include the µ symbol and to be pronounced "mew". If you're feeling bovine, you can also say "WordPress Mooooo".

最流行的读法是单独地读出字母,就如EM-YEW。起这个名字的最初意图是要包含µ符号,并且读作"mew"。如果你有耐心,你也可以读作"WordPress Mooooo"。

Please add FAQs as you see fit.
